The Four Beta Brothers – Chapter 144


“My mother?” I repeated. My heart started pounding. This was exactly what I had been hoping to avoid. “I’m not sure there’s anything for us to discuss about her.” After I had found out the truth about my bloodline, I had avoided Elijah. Part of me wondered what it would be like to get to know my father, but I knew Elijah would never be my real father and quickly decided I wasn’t interested in any kind of personal relationship with him.

“I can tell you whatever you’d like about her,” Elijah quickly said. His composure faltered. He was more nervous about this conversation than me. “I know you were young when she died, and your early childhood memories were erased. I just thought you might want to hear more about her.”

looking to build a relationship with me, I’m not interested.”

hing upon you, but if you want to hear more about your mother, my door is always open. I know

ging my bag over my arm. “I’m not mad at you.”


or me. I don’t need anyone to replace him in my heart.”

stunned silence. I wasn’t sure if I was too harsh on him or not, but I didn’t care. He made his c

ng to Axel, who now had the entire plate of cookies in his hands. He held a steady smile, but I felt his struggle through our mate bond. I hooked my arms around his and put on my best smile.

you for the cookies, Barbara. I hate to run, but we have to get ready for our f

she said before heading back into the building.

cruel, cruel woman.”


u sent her out there to talk to me,” he said, narrowin

tive?” Axel chuckled.

king about.” I slipped my hand into Axel’s.

e touched my biceps. Twic

t blame her.”

ral pieces.

tion.” Axel gawked at me, and it was hard not to laugh more.

o you?” I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. His arm snaked around my waist, and he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth. All of the stress from Elijah disappeared.

er than any cookie.”

st wanted to stay in his arms all day.

ed in and kissed me again, this time keeping the kiss PG friendly.

rest of the day if we kept that up. I tugged on his arm. “Come on. I need to get to class.”

ch,” Axel said, walking much slower th

day to miss? It’s all syllabus and boring. This is the best day to miss.”

tests. I would’ve lost the valedictorian spotlight, but I would’ve passed my classes still.

powerful werewolves in the country who also worked with the principal. If they hadn’t been easy on you, then it would’ve made the school look bad,” Axel

dropped. “Is everything secretly about politics and images?”

nymore,” I said, looking up

tly that there was no doubt he was telling the truth.

ause my heart felt like it was about to explode.

with an entire horde of Barbaras.” He kissed me lightly, and I felt the glances of the students as they walked into the classroom.

en the bullying started, I wanted them to stop looking at me with such disgust in their eyes.

ymore, because the ones who mattered—who truly mattered—knew exactly who I was and loved me for it.

y the way, what did Elijah want to talk to you about?” Axel asked, bursting my bubble of bli

not to frown as I spoke. “He wanted to apologize for the way the bullying was handled and talk about

fted his eyebrows. “Oh?”

tell you about it later, okay?”

genuine smile laced with concern.

us look I could.

together, and he knew it, too.

to his eyes. I whispered, keeping my words breathy to taunt him more, “I will do that thing that you like so much.”

s heart rate picked up, and even though he was still acting cool, his body betrayed

to go to class to find out.”

n as we waited for the professor to show up. It was strange being back in the classroom. For most of my life, this had been my safe place. It was the one thing that was consistent and that I could control, so I threw my entire focus into it. Now, it was more like a passing thought. The only reason I sat here was to honor my parents and to honor my hard work. However, it was anything but a main priority for me.

I knew things would only change even more once I finished school and started my new position by Kalli’s side. I just hoped I’d be ready for i

to sit. Unfortunately, the only open seat was right next to me.

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