The Four Beta Brothers – Chapter 54


Axel pressed his lips against mine in a fiery passion. It was as if last night had opened the floodgates to his desire, and he couldn’t hold back anymore. His hand dipped into my panties and slid through my folds, causing a moan to escape my lips.

I wasn’t the kind of girl who made out with boys in the forest. I had always been reserved, trying to avoid doing anything scandalous, because I was afraid that people would look down on me for that kind of behavior. For half of my life, I was the omega orphan, quiet and reserved, forgotten in the shadows.

rd to get out of the shadows, but I only ever wanted to be in the academic light.

futile. I didn’t know if it was beca

d to pull it up.

orearms rose, and his body was tense as he looked around for the source of the sound.


by or something.”

e conclusion. Axel’s eyes settled on me again, and they were calm. Even if the sound was nothing to worry about, the moment had passed.

us do it, like, well… rabbits.”

aling, but the moment Axel’s hands were on me, I lost all care in the world.

n’t remember. Excitement pricked my skin as I waited. There was something thrilling about seeing how a werewolf’s wolf looked, especially because many werewolves spent less time in their wolf form than in the past.

k scattered his body. He looked similar to Nathan’s wolf, only Nathan had more white than Axel.

lone. His stormy eyes were the same ones as I knew, but they came to life in his wolf form. The storm inside raged more than normal, swirling and sparkling in a way I had never seen. One look at his wolf would make almost anyone hesitate to approach him. This was what the son of the be

near his wolf. It was my omega blood that cautioned m

of me that knew the wolf in front of me would never harm a single hair on my head. I approached him and ran my fingers through the

lf who stayed by my side, even when I chose his brother over him.

old didn’t bite my skin.

th his nose, and even though we couldn’t link each other, I knew he was telling me it was my turn to shift. It was as if our souls were connected, so we

oment for as long as possible.

rm. The process was quick as my body bent to the will of the Moon Goddess. When I was fully

angle of my body. A low growl escaped his lips as he watched. He approached me slowly and nuzzled me gently. His emotions flowed through me more freely in our wolf form. It was as

sh and Moira in their wolf forms, but it had never felt like this.


hear his, “Hey!” in protest. If I could laugh in this body, I would howle.

letting me get away to enjoy the thrill of the chase. The air flowed through my fur and my muscles burned with energy. Despite not transforming into my wolf form as often as I should have

d down and glanced behind me, hoping to see him, but there was nothing but trees and emptiness behind me.

less he wanted to. I turned back and started following my path, desperate to find Axel. He wouldn’t have left me behind without a good reason.

her unless he marked me.

d so suddenly. He had broken away from my path several hundred feet back, but there were no signs as to why he had done that.

nch snapped behind me and I flipped around, excited to see Axel.

t the hotel flashed into my head, and I couldn’t breathe. A hunter stood in front of me, and if I made one wrong move, I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot me.

even if I was focused on finding him. I took a deep inhale, but I still couldn’t smell anything in front of me. It was as if the hunte

g me with coal-black eyes. There was nothing kind about the way he looked at me.

pecially a wolf as big as you.” His gun was still poi

ract this man.

ried to link, even though I knew we didn’t have a connection. I hoped he would still feel me somehow and come looking for me. I didn’t know where he disappeared, but I desperately

ould love to mount a family of werewolves on my wall.”

gun, and I knew I had to try to run if I wanted any chance to get away from this hunter. While werewolves were superior to humans, guns were still superior to werewolves. If the hunter was unarme

p pain shot through my head. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t move.

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