The Hunted Wolf – Chapter 60


I stood up in front of the crowd, looking at the faces of all the people waiting for my speech. I recognized so many from when I was growing up, but there were definitely new faces from those who joined the pack after I left. They were expecting answers and explanations. I was sure there were those expecting me to fall on my face.

I refused to give them that satisfaction. Reyland was right. All I could do was be open and honest with them. If they refused my help, there was nothing I could do about it except accept it. I placed a hand over my heart, and a silence fell onto the crowd.

us condition.”

h the crowd and murmurs grew lo

un, but I don’t want to keep your alpha from you.

are here to help with the needs of the pack. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if the


pack first, even before his mate. I would hesitate to call someone like that a traitor.”

nt the best for those they care about. They have all made sacrifices for their own happiness for others.

that or don’t want their help, then that’s on you. But I would think cautiously before biting the hand offering help, because it may not always be there. Other wolf packs might try to take advantage of the vulnerability having an incapacited alpha brings. We aren’t trying t

better?” another voice asked.


one to step up. “Thank you all for listening to us today. Please reach out to Scythe if you wish to make an appointment to see Alpha Jori, and if you have any other concerns, feel free to a

some voices and the anger in others.

bbed my arm. “You did great up there, Mark.”

tly feel like smiling. “I just hope they take me up on my offer for help.”


her tightly. Adira hugged her back, her face lighting up.

up and down. “You are becoming such a beautiful young lady!”

g to Eva, which filled my heart. I knew more than ever that Adira would be a wonderful mother to


of people who approached us, wanting to talk about their concerns. Mark made me sit most of the time, insisting I still needed my rest, but I was still exhausted. It was emotionally draining to hear about the plethora of problems going on with Pack Sallow. I never realized how many things could go wrong in a pack without leadership absent for such a short period of time.

fresh clothes.

or to us being ready. We also want to start figuring all of that out.” Mark looked stressed just talking about everything he had to do.

est of the day with me?”

fore we are ready to stop them…” His voice caught in his throat.

ey won’t get me. I’m not going anywhe


nking of visiting Jori before his pack starts flooding in for visits,” I said. “I don’t really want to just sit around.”


sides, I want to see if there’s anything I can do to help him.”

lly Jori is healed. I don’t think using your magic to heal him would be a good idea. Besides, we

to just sit here and not do anything.”

burden to bear. You didn’t do this to him.”

t push yourself too much, and if it turns out you can’t do anything, don’t blame yo

ngering fear that this was not over. I knew Xavier’s presence left Jori’s body, but I feared he was still out there, waiting to grow stronger.

ink me. I will drop whatever I’m doing to join you.” He leaned down and kissed my lips and then kissed my belly.

e in the same pack house, and I didn’t want that to happen again.


No one deserved to lie in a hospital bed alone in this condition.

t hear me, but it made me feel better talking to him. “You didn’t deserve this. It’s a little weird thinking I’ve never known just you as a person. Well, except that time we briefly met as kids. I hope we get the chance to properly talk to one another one day.”

ated, but eventually I found it hidden deep down inside of him. It was buried beneath layers, and I knew that was why he hadn’t woken up yet.

gone, he was still stuck.

ite room. In the middle of it, Jori was sitting cross-legged, staring off into space. I had made it into his subconscious mind.

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