The King’s Omega – Chapter 12

A week later, things in the palace were fine. Dayana had gone back to doing the same things as before, always being locked in a room reading a book or in the king’s office. Each one took care of his daily duties.

The king ordered Simon to prepare everything to leave that day for the special place that he had been waiting for them for days. That he put everything he needed in a basket, both food and blankets in case the night caught them. That place was beautiful, no one was allowed to go there, it was very well kept. Although he had months or maybe a year since he last visited that place, it was all because he had not found the right time to go.

The omega was near the window, reading a new book. She didn’t understand how someone could spend hours reading those kinds of books without getting bored. He discovered from this omega that she could read and speak in some languages, all of which a servant was in charge of teaching her… one of his informants in the north, at least had the opportunity to learn a little, although it is very difficult for me to read.

ards where the omega was. A somewhat long and uncomfortable road awaits us.

as offering him. Don’t you have work to do today?

try to remain discreet and not make noise unless I tell you to talk to me.

the place we a

e let go of his hand

someone sees us?

ly nothing to make me leave…

omega giggled -. I would like the king to show me something that I have always had a doubt about.

at thin

ey were like…

you arrived at the palace.

rything for the rest of the day because you ask me to.” She smiled at him. “Why are we leaving the palace?

ake you is somewhat far from everyone and I want us to spend a warm moment together — they went up the stairs — Everything

this is some

and gave her another to carry. He followed him to where the closet was and he removed many clothes, until a door was revealed in his field of vision, giving him the idea that it was a passageway.

, always being locked in a room reading a book or in the king’s office. Everyone went about their

clear his vision.

en he saw that whole place full of flowers by the bushels, everything was done to perfect

d. Anyone who loves nature would stay in this place forever.

p reading your books and learning new languages.

r me.

out whenever you wanted to the backyard.

ven have a fountain.” He took off his shoes. Can I put my feet in?

e careful with the fish,” Thiago to

s, thank you

o see how crystal clear it was. Fish of different colors moved all around her, running away from her. On a couple of occasions she was going to fall because of how slippery the floor of the fountain was. Everything seemed so beautiful, that she didn’t want to leave that place. She hea

for letting me see how beautiful this was.



r face closer to the omega’s. Can I kiss you?

— Yes…

what the pleasure of a kiss was.

r a way to stay attached to her body no matter what and he was very willing to indulge her. She put her tongue in, making a small fight against the omega’s who was still looking for a way to hav


ly and looking stupidly at the alpha’s lips—. Yes please?

aste kiss on his lips — You will have all the kisses you want.

until she was born… and a few minutes later she had died for lack of a good medical procedure.

rson who had access was him and the only thing that reminded him of her was a portrait that the omega always had. saw when he was in the king’s chambers.

hinking about?

trait a few times in my father’s chambers stuck on the wall… everything that was once hers was hidden in a room where no one could enter except my father.

his fingers—. You told me that your mother never left the castle and when she did she was well dressed.

nnot avoid and sooner or later we have to die.

f me, but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make it so.

eel old? He pouted. He keeps trying to call me you…

ow he tries not to grab me by the neck every time we are together and I treat him like you.

let the king kiss her as many times as he wants.

what was necessary to protect her from any type of evil.

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