The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 92


After finally gaining enough strength, I was barely able to stand up. My legs felt heavy and tired as I leaned myself up against the wall, trying not to fall while my head began to spin.

Before I could even take the first step, the door opened and shut quickly as a Beautiful young woman with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes appeared before me. Her clothes were dirty and she smelled like a rogue, but she was unlike any rogue I had seen. The only way I could describe her was wild and beautiful as her long strawberry blonde curly hair cascaded around her shoulders. She had freckles on her cheeks and a long scar across her throat.

realized she was holding a knife. For whatever reason, I wasn’t afraid..something inside of me knew this girl was no threat to me.

her presence almost calming and comforting.

r finger to her lips as she signaled for me to keep quiet. The woman then tiptoed over to me, her arm reaching out and pulling me off the wall while wrapping


ically dragged me across the room.

ping once more, she opened the door

ng it in a defensive position.

y as I returned the gesture, silently telling her I was ready. Then we were off, the girl pulled me along with her walking down a long ha

inued to hobble alongside her as she was doing most of the work. Suddenly she stopped, her eyes narrowing as she turned her head slightly, list

ced me against the wall, giving me a hand motion to stay put as she stepped

it was her who would be coming back. Not even a minute later she popped back around the corne

realized that this place was massive..I had no clue where the hell we even were but it looked like some type of war

not run into a single person. Occasionally the girl would stop and listen, deciding which way to go before we continued on o

..we were almost out..that’s when I heard the yelling.

e was here. I could feel it, like my soul was trying to reach out, craving that connection to the one that compl

ng the mystery woman with relief. She nodded h

my Alpha like I mate is strong, my mate will protect me. Then I heard it, that wicked laugh..the dark witch, we had to stop her..if she gets involved in this then Marcus might get away again. If I couldn’t stop Marcus myself, I would at least help my mate in any way possible.

ing with determination as she reached for the knife on her belt.

the dark witch.

de unwanted jealousy rise. Fueling my hatred even more as I turned my head away, unable to watch.

here, which was a relief honestly because it meant my werewolf senses were coming back. Even Calypso was now standing, more alert and ready to get this over with.

k her head hastily, pointing to the witch and showing me her knife. Showing me what we had to do first. I soon noticed something about this girl, looking at the scar on her neck once more.

I realized, barely a whisper.

this woman must have gone through something horrible. I decided right then and there that she would be returning to Black Stone with me. I don’t know why but I felt the urge to protect

ngs worse as long as that witch was still around. I needed to try and warn Rowan about the dagger. I quickly tried to li

can you hear me?’

hated this, I hated feeling so helpless.

e and it made me feel even worse. I needed to tell him, maybe since I was so wea


l my steps, being just as quiet, making sure to step carefully. I watched this woman in front of me in awe as she stalked her prey with stealth and precision. Her movements were graceful and full of purpose.

ere a few feet away, the witch completely oblivious as my new friend lunged forward, her arm wrapping around the witch’s throat and pres

ten.” The witch laughed out, turning as her unsettling red eyes met my gaze.

e same..well except you..he was always obsessed with you.” She began to ramble on, making the girl press her knife harder into her neck, giving her a silent warning.

aid sharply, looking at the witch as she studied me intently.

so different you know..I hate him too..and yet, here I am, doing his dirty work yet again.” She croaked out, the knife still pressed tightly against her throat, causing a drop of blood to slide down her neck.

tay and not leave?” I asked, watching as

ss cursed me, a witch, with your stupid rules of fate..” she laughed smugly

loser, wanting to stay as quiet as possible.

ss, no wonder she helped him all of those years.

s she closed her eyes in pain.

ning.” I commanded, ready to be over with thi

gets for killing her father and sister all those years ago in that fire. Isn’t that right Sadie? He thought he killed you, but I knew who you were from the start, he just wouldn’t listen….” Suddenly the knife jerked to the side, slicing the witch’s throat as her red eyes widened in horror.

r voice as well, so she couldn’t tell her own story..well that changes today because I will speak for her…I will tell Marcus just how much of a monster he is and smile on his face as he takes his final breath..Sadie will get justice today..we all will.

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