The Lunas Second Chance Mate – Chapter 103


No matter her departure, I know my mate and I know what she had wanted from me. I cannot bare to mourn her much longer. It has been agonizing so far. For now I allow that pain to subside and instead, I force myself toward the Wilshire mountains, to the spot that Fritz described to me. He hadn’t wanted to admit the atrocity, but the news of my mate had pushed him over the edge of the truth.

I have to see it for myself, my wolf pressing me further and further through the valleys until my warriors beg for us to take a break. They plead through the link, exhausted and worn down from the run, but I have yet to break a concerning sweat.

es are stuck on the mountain in question, a gaping cave sat above it all, normally useless to the world but for now, it’s the one

rce them back on their feet and we take off again, making a climb through the wintery conditions. My heart

e, thinking of me; I know that wherever she is, she is saying my name.

ark-Alexander, I let my wolf hum in my head. Her name

some sort of iron bar, welded by hands that were not formed into this mountainside naturally. I push it aside, rage and hate fueling me, until the door is maneuvered open and my warriors can continue inside the cave behind me.

ors, and an odd scent of poison in the air. It makes me gag. I hold my


hands a colorless pale shade. She squirms, exhausted as a tube fuels a clear liquid into her veins. The stench is toxic, even from outside this door.

men, strapped on with tape, the smell of the wolfsbane too much for me to handle now. I lean sideways, vomiting from the smell, hating that this is what is being done to innocent wolves.

ir aid, only a small IV, or sometimes not even that, just studied under large machin

lect myself, and another to realize what must be done.

ty. Understood?”

ealize slowly I am not the face that has been there to torment them.

She would be so proud of me today, and I couldn’t be more pleased, finally nudging the last wolf out of the cave.

grins wide, as if seeing a ghost.

you,” she says under a heavy sigh.

een able to speak to her?”

oddess, right?”

ility of it. “Yes, continue on.”

re to your mate, a she-wolf she claims is meant to change the world. She said she has sent her back more than once, protecting her and her mate; that’s you!”

ore than once?” I gasp, feeling estranged f

ate in her hands at all times, trying to protect her at all costs, like she did with me. She said it’s something about her soul, something meant to save us all. Like you’ve saved us today.”

ng these souls instead.

here today; I hear my wol

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