The Lunas Second Chance Mate – Chapter 31

Alyson’s pov

It did feel a little strange after mating with Ryan, sharing his bed, and then waking up alone and joining Dylan for breakfast. His amused expression indicated that he knew, and he could probably smell mating all over me.

“Where’s Ryan?” He asked.

eave for days again. I needed him, we had only just reconnected, but I knew that he was tossing and turning all night.


sn’t sure. “As long as I’ve known

ome conspiring to do!” Dylan said. “Oh, don’t look so down.”

n’t aware

secret. He waved his hand a little to get me to lean closer too. “Maybe if you tell him more, he’ll tell you more.” He winked. “You’re a very mysterious she-wolf, and while that very intriguing, it’s not the best way

him a glare

f you would not have any, more sharing yourself might help.”

ays held information from me, and I couldn’t really blame him because I was also doing it.

right,” I said.

rds were a gold medal in some competition.

at…” I started to say but I wasn’t sure what friend, lover, ally? I wasn’t sure what Ryan was to me, only that I loved him and, and I wasn’t sure how to love. I had forced the Moon Goddess to promise that I would not have a fated mate bon

perhaps the Moon Goddess had taken away my ability to smell the fated mate bond, but not the ability to choose a mate, or have others want to be my mate.

it to be my choice. I couldn’t be naïve.

at Dylan. His intense eyes were starin


ay so. If I were a painter, I would capture your image! So sad, so serious, so beautiful

such flattery while I was Ryan’s lover, I knew it was all Dylan’s humor.

without you again?” I asked, more worried about him. He shou

lushing and smiling like that.” Despite his light sarcasm, Michael looked highly aggravated, his wolfish eyes narrowing at Dylan challenging in some masculine stare on behalf

ff and press my body to his. It was nothing like that with Dylan, even while I enjoyed his company.

lan and I spent the day chatting about the herb, and his plans to trade with Crowalt. He had quite the elaborate plan already, but my head was with Ryan. I wanted him to come back, and the more my mind drifted to him, the more Dylan’s voice faded to background details.

kept havi

nt steps. My ears perked up, and I eagerly was at the door when Ryan came in. He looked bedraggled and worn, but not as bad as when he’d left for two days. I grabbed his hands and le


nger than ever, reawakened. I knew his eyes, and his heart, as we stared each other down from across the room like we were in heat. I could feel all the urges of my body itching inside me to release.

characteristically sad as he walked briskly to the door, and left.

only tempered a little as he tore off my clothes. He carried me into his bedroom.

fted recently filled my nostrils.


nted to give all of myself to him, flesh and blood. I wrapped my legs around him, feeling for his bulging member against me, it slipped again

aying, ‘I’m yours. I’m yours. Take all of me.”

wanting to acknowledge what I’d just said and how excited he looked about it.

I didn’t let any more words cross my lips.

ensations ripped through my body like they would tear my apart from the inside out. He plunged deeper and deeper till I couldn’t stand it any longer.

nly encouraged him to pick up the pace. The rapid throbbing sped up, and with my face into the bed, I tried to stifle my scr

when we were finished, I was at loss f

h Dylan about opening up more to him, and maybe in return he would share more with me. It wasn’t that I wanted to build a mate bond with him, or anything. But I wanted to know where he kept disappearing.

with my finger. His eyes were closed and a pleasant smile was on his face.


well.” I said.

tly. His fierce eyes locked on mine. “

I had already died and been sent back by the Moon Goddess.

I have revenge to take on them.”

urged me to tell more.

u.” I said.

void it any longer.”

admitted so little, but it had

g to have to return and challenge my uncle Jacob, or we will never be safe.”

cob and my past yet, but I would not let Ryan go alone.

er to his lips, straddled his torso and kissed him.

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