The Lunas Second Chance Mate – Chapter 71

Alyson’s POV

I knew that Jennifer lingered in town still. Even after our last conversation, her banishment would not be official till I was the Luna. As such, I had asked for Ryan to have guards monitor her current living quarters and whereabouts.

I had a few of my own guards. It felt odd always having them around, and how they would always bow their heads in respect. I had granted one guard the task monitoring Jennifer, he reported back, “She seems to be staying in this small cabin not far from the lair, but on the outskirts of town. There is one servant and an old woman living with her.”

ike?” I asked.

she’s feeble. I think that she might be blind.”


allow that. My wedding was tomorrow, and I would have my mother attend.

I requested.

pecially if one of them were Jennifer.

cognize me by my voice, even though it was not as if she would know me by looks due to my change in appearance.

e out here. I’ll be fine inside.” I didn’t want to alarm her with the presence of too many strangers.


also seemed at loss for words as if she had no idea how to handle a stranger’s visit.

s Brianna Clark here?” I asked.

The maid closed the door more so that she only peered out with half of her face.

you alone?” I asked, wondering if she meant Jennifer, or my mother, or both were gone.

I said. “But I will be Luna tomo

distance under instruction, but did validate my claims more than just my words.

” She said.

aven’t,” I replied. “But tell me, i

s. Let her come in, please. I wouldn’t mind

find out she betrayed me too.

t?” The maid began to complain

ere is something familiar about her that I can’t really place. I am intrigued.”

more wrinkles around her mouth and eyes than she once had. She still looked beautiful, a lot of her features were so similar to Jennifer and mine in my past life.

ead of the purple like amethyst, and she stared off towards the corner of the ceiling. Upon further examina

black dress.

easure of meeting, and to what do I owe this honor?”

what to say.


out help, and eventually I was told to stay here at all times.”

. She could never hide it from her mother, and I was grateful that while she could kill her sister, she had not been able to kill her mother.

hen did you go blind?”

on, stranger from the unknown.”

o overwhelm her.

er…” I didn’t know what to say.

er hands towards the sound of my voice. “I know it is you. Please don’t tell me that I’m wrong, and I’ve gone crazy. I would know my daughter

to her and fell to my knees at her feet, she grabbed me into a tight embrace and stroked my straight hair.

ightened on me as if she could never let go again.

said. “You should be living in a place of honor, like the Alpha’s Lair. Or back amo

ou go? What really happened to you?” Sh

the terrible truth in that moment, so I remained silent. Finally, I asked, “What did J

y sense, but then I had a terrible accident and I went blind, and they brought me to live here. I haven’t been able to leave since, but your sister has been kind to visit me every day so that I wouldn’t be lonely.”

that point.

y didn’t you tell me?” She sobbe

ctually was pretty close by for many years…”

he wall.

, don’t believe anything this she-wolf tells you. She is an imposter.”

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