The Lunas Second Chance Mate – Chapter 9

Alyson’s POV

After his declaration that he liked me, we had avoided any talk of it. Donna had reentered the room, and so we were interrupted. Still, Ryan was around all the time, the unspoken words between us always caught up on other topics, like training.

Ryan began training me every day, and I loved it. I loved to run and sweat and challenge my body like I hadn’t before.

ed at the training arena. He said, “Let’s begin with ten laps, in human form today.”

breathing hard by the third lap, and could hardly catch my breath by

ter,” I huffed as I passed him.

No. Both you and your wolf will fight best if both forms are strong. So, hurr

was already done with another lap when he finished his expl


p, Ryan called, “Faster, run as


y so fa

have to push yourself, and be fast after you’re already tired

did not with my two legs and hoppy gait.

ly way to get better form. You run really strange. Haven’t you eve

or exactly sixty minutes, no more no less. Only what the doctor said I needed to be healthy for the quality of my blood.

n till I nearly entered heaven. She loved running now.

nd played when I was a little kid, but nothing like training. Not for years.”

muscle at all. It’s like you never lifted anything even once in your life.”

ly allowed to move, much less have items to carry around. But I couldn’t tell him the truth of my life.

“Let’s start with

?” I said.

nd, catching himself with his arms to his side to show me. He had huge mus

But I had a terrible urge to touch him, to feel his body, wondering what it would be like to have our bodies pressed up to each other, kind of like a hug,

ave any mate, or have anything like that in this life. No one to betray me.

uth. He bounced back up, gesturing towards the ground, he said. “You try.”

g my waist. “You want to straighten your back. Yes, more like that. Don’t slouch. Keep your spine straight and even.”

ms because I was so distracted by his close proximity.

- sweet revenge. I had to be strong enough.

ten laps became an easy twenty. I could do over a hundred push-ups straight. I could lift large rocks and throw them from over my head. All in the same day.

as possible in this amount of time.”

ooking pleased with myself.

mental strength.”

tell me how I’d improved always made me exceedingly proud.

at him like a fool.

large till I had to look away. I had never seen him smile like that at anyone or about anything before.

what do we do next?” I aske

o touch me, I had a hard time focusing, but it also made me very determined to prove myself.

to practice some hand-to-hand combat. Th

was trying not to trust him but as we spent every waking moment together now, that was getting harder.


ce between trusting a situation and the person in entirety.

m. I got better and better at the standing motions. Our bodies were always close enough to feel his heat. I could smell the musty odor of exercise, and I liked it.

ife. I learned how to break out of holds. We used wooden knives to practice the motions needed with real knives.


lieved in me.” I said wi

can do anything that you set your mind to.”

d my head, “I told you, I’m a survi

’re alike.” He said.

without telling me to test my reflexes. I swiftly moved out of the way, dodging him, pulling his elbow against its joint, and using my leg to trip him. He fell to the ground, and I leapt on top of him.


over, his great size really hard for me to

ng. Even though he was on top of me, if it had been a real fight, I

that was getting stronger. I wanted him to do something, but I wasn’t sure what.

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