The Lycan King’s Healer – Chapter 23


The hours between battle were usually too somber to talk about life. Soldiers normally liked to bond with the brothers they battled with, but it was often too emotionally difficult to formulate words. There was too much blood spilled and lives lost to talk like it wasn’t happening.

It was also hard to talk about life outside of war in case you didn’t get home to continue it.

lly, each drop of silence dried by her name.

with his claws.

command warrior, replacing Alan’s spot for this war. I only told him about Cathy because he was my most trusted and worthy warrior. He was the only one who accompanied me in my general chambers tent, wide awake while everyone rested.

s no idea?” he questioned, recalling my

t over our deployment map. “I think a part of her knows, but sh

ainst the curve of the dagger, “She doesn’t want to fall in love with her former captor.”

inder. “I don’t blame her either.”

t seem like she needs protection,” he muse

knows that Theo does.”

erious glint in his eye. Agar was usually quiet and to the point, despite his occasional flashes of humor. “Life is too short to not tell the girl you love her,” he said, “you never know what might happen o

that for a moment. I never assumed

wn at the unhealed wound on my abdomen.

have,” Agar urged, “it’s never too late if you’re still breathing.”


Benjamin by the next day. He wasted no time.

uitresses, and compare the prices nobles were selling their daughters for into marriage.

ee anyone good?” Elia

ok another swig from his drink. “I never find anyon

if you want to compete for the throne. We’re try


t did you

dded. “Aldri

artygoers paused then continued on quickly, unphased by his hot headedness by now.

d by the people–”

ards of glass. “I will kill him myself.”



eo cried in a panicked s

t. If we talked about it, it would be real.

stairs or tripping over my skirts until I saw the bruises on my knees later that night. It was pure, blinded panic u

washed through me when I saw h


p his leg. Theo beckoned me over and I joined the circle.

e wet with tears, “we were in the training grounds and someone shot him!”

nelt to the floor over Alan. Right from the spot I

lie down and be checked in case he was shot. I automatically placed a hand on his shoulder, worried.

he promised urgently

him a small smile.

’ve had injuries that make this look like a paper

ou?” I asked, scared to hear the answer.

xpertly worked on removing the arrow, his grimace deepening. He then gaspe

hat the hell was

the arrow, and he sputtered, “I don’t know how the son of a bitch knew where to get me. Unless it was some shitty c

he looked at me confused.

ed him a pained smile.

his leg. How did someone know exactly where to hit him? Dread and more dread weighed on my chest, and my head suddenly felt light. I was terrified that this was only the beginning.

I lost consciousness after tha

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