The Lycan King’s Healer – Chapter 47


“Wha–what?” I sputtered, looking up at him. I had not seen him in years.

His eyes glowed through the dark, and he looked like a dark lion that just found his prey. “Cathy?” he questioned, and when he confirmed it was me, his tone changed. “Ah, dear Cathy, what are you doing out here at such a time?”

ust as dark and alluring as usual. I had never grown accustomed to his aura of i

ecome a mad woman, sprinting through the forest with branches in my hair, in a dirty, torn ball gown, with tears reddening my eyes. Now I really contemplated if it was a dream. Clement rarely passed through a


ter with you?” he demanded, c

blink of an eye to waste. But I slowly realized something.

o you.”

interior of my throat. “My best friend,” I cried, “dead.”

ences like death, in which he witnessed every day as a healer, no longer affected him.

aking my head, “he was murdered. I must save him. I must. I must.” My lips were trembling, my whole body quivering.

nd to do that?”

am not strong enough to bring back the dead. I don’t even know how to mend a bone!”

king. I fell to my knees, unable to stand on my own, my body exhausted from running and falling.

plucked a leaf out of my hair. “I still have so much to teach you.”

hot my head up at him. “You can

y people back. It’s a dangerous practice, and you know that. A

ut it wasn’t supposed to happen!” I whimpered, “he was pushed off the castle balcony. Murdered in cold blood before he even knew he was dy

rows as he appeared to contemplate.

es hooded with concern.

wn to a whisper, coming out brokenly.

e wanted to do, but wanted me to stop crying. It was strange for him to act like this; I’ve seen him bring people back fr

out a vial from his pocket. I knew what the vial would contain; he carried his blood in them when he was trav

on my palm before delicately folding my hand together. I looked at him as he gripped my hand, not releasing it from his own. “Have your friend ingest this. Pour it down his

g me off, as if I was going on a mere run.

ng any other words that would show how grateful I was. He blinked in surprise, and then I turned away, sprinting into the dense brush back toward the estate.



time to tell them, whether they believed me or not.

at he thought about it.

aid, looking at him adamantly, “keep in mind, Father, I never intended to be King before.”

a question but a statement.


likely to be interrogated. Plus, I agreed with your mother this entire time. We both have preferred you to be my successor.”

iding my relief.

fact her son would be involved in even more violence, she looked significantly proud.


e blanket, his head propped on a pillow, but that was as far as they entertained him living.

. I was not sure how my legs were still functioning, how I had not fainted from the shock. Seeing him lying there with his injuries cleaned up, his hair brushed, and his eyes closed was more daunting than his form before. At least before, he was just injured at first glance, not dead. But like this, in a medical bed cleane

d to the Moon Goddess that I was not too late.

stroyed chest. I could not tell which area was which at all, his body blending together in a meaty mess. Before I lost my nerve, I opened the corpse’s mouth before spilling the vial of blood down his throat, my heart pounding. I made sure his head was tilted enough so that his neck was rigid straight. I took the remaining droplets and rubbed them along his chest.

k a deep breath and stepped back, my hands t

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