The Lycan King’s Healer – Chapter 67

Aldrich soon bounded into the room a couple moments after I did. I did not turn to look at him, too busy staring at the doctors with my arms crossed tightly. I was not afraid of the answers they had evident all over their faces, and I was even slightly agitated at the concern in their eyes. I wore the same nightgown for seven nights in a row, only leaving my bed to occasionally bathe, and had not eaten or drank much. I probably looked more like the corpses they have been examining rather than their hostess.

“My lady,” our main doctor, Dr. Laurence, regarded me. His lips were set very tightly; he was not thrilled about the news either.

“Have you come to a conclusion?” Aldrich inquired from behind me, the worry in his voice further irritating me.

warily over his thick glasses. “We have deemed the victims’ causes of death as all poison.”

his eyebrows pinched together, not quite believing it.

ch prompted, shaking his head, “but how could this be?”

my eyes more than ever. Maybe Aldrich was right about me hitting my breaking point.

tigator, just a doctor. I have concluded that the servants were poisoned with Murder Toxin. That of course is what it is generally referred to as, the medica

meone deliberately murdered the victims.

mply shook my head before storming out of the room. I was goi

Whatever his reasoning was, I did not wait for him. I ventured up the stairs through the foyer and into our chambers before curling back into the bed. The only place where bad things didn’t happen.


simply laughed a

ith this jarring issue in the estate on my own and that apparently is a good joke to you.”

re sneering, “It’s your turn now.”


u’re going through,” I snarled, “when I lived it. Not for a week, but

re were notes taped t

offed, looking at me incredulously. “Do you not have any care for the men being


where people weren’t dying.

so be it. I wanted to spend time with my son, and maybe it would provide some form of escapism to merely focus on the arrow in my son’s hand and his cries of victory when he made the targets.

going to drop dead at any moment. I rolled my eyes. “Good morning, sister,” I sa

ight it snowed,” she said, frowning.

h or smile. I then sighed. “I’m fine, Danika. Thank you for taking care of Theo as always. I have just been tired these past couple days.”


are going outside to the grounds, isn’t that right?”

aid with a grin that indicated he was absolutely oblivious to the dead body that was just on those same grounds. I

r you say,” Danika said with a nod. She knew not to push or question me, but would also never be stifled

he back grounds with him, the guards watching us clo

last time I watched him. He was able to shoot while running, jumping, behind his back, and even with his eyes closed.

. Today, the sky was pale, but blue enough to contrast against the milky landscape.

ing in nature was the one thing that made me forget everything happening. I even felt less tired, my eyes feeling more alert and open. There

his eyes closed while doing a twirl, but he missed the target board, and we both watched it fly through

hat?” he asked sweetly. I nodded with a smile before mak

zed my entire body and as that happened, the shadows in my vision then became opaque, completely enveloping me in darkness.

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