The Lycan King’s Healer – Chapter 71

I wasn’t sure if anyone tried to catch me, but I fell to my knees in the snow.

My son was captured.

Aldrich immediately came and scooped me off the ground. I was ashamed to display such weakness, for he had been seeing me at some of my lowest points recently, but when it came to Theo’s well-being I could easily melt into nothingness if it was threatened.

most likely concerned by whatever look I had on my face.

head violently, “Let’s go.” I used his arms as balance beams before diggi


h his. My skin crawled in horror as they discussed it. Despite this, I worked right along with them, examining every piece of snow and blade of grass.

rose in the distan

creature had my child

ating Theo with Alan and Cathy. At least four men must return to the estate to defend the village.”

ers without a general?”

he distance. I prayed none of them

g deeper into the woods, “go back with your men and I will find him.”

gan slowly, but before he was able to finish his sentence, I

rough the dark wo

ally floating. The vampire must be graceful. My son’s footprints stopped at one point, so the man or woman probably picked him up.

did something

d have no leverage, no goal. The only thing they would have left i

l something was blocking the terrain.

ug my heels into the ground abruptly, nea

A vampire.

His eyes glowed, illuminant with blood, his lips curled into an animalistic grimace. I could

I jolted at the sight; the vampire had his arm locked around his neck like a white marble bar.

g breath.

fast as a slamming door and wrapped his hand around my jugular. Even with one hand, the creature’s strength diminished mine to a mere ounce. Suddenly, I couldn’t breathe, grasping at the vampire’s arm to try to pry it from my neck. It

released my neck and stumbled backwards, still gripping Theo.

find Aldrich and his men had finally caught up to us.

of his arm, “take one more step and your wife and son are dead in less than a second.”

ng. Theo was silently crying as if he was afraid to make a sound.

in the air as a brief surrender, “taking the generaKs son as a distraction while the clan attacks the village. Can’t say it’s a bad plan.”

the vampire said with a devilish, predatory smile. He seemed to revel in that fact.

lism. Maybe he was good at putting on a front. He sure was calm for a man facing a creature that is a snap away from killing his son.

that my fingers reached through the grass.

ked, glancing down at my trembling son.

me to see him crossing his arms defiantly. His men flanking his sides and the ones stationed behind him all stood frozen, including Alan. I wondered if they already had a plan.

hey did.

rich. But I was like a deer in headlights, paralyzed and afraid of the consequences resulting in one mere movement.

ender to” It all happened in a fluid motion. As Aldrich moved his lips, Alan moved his bow.

row. As the vampire fell dead, my son crumpled to the snowy ground.

vampire next to us.

d did a once-over on Theo, checking his body and face for any wound

s okay,” I said, running my other hand through his hair, “Physically.” As we cradled him together, I


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