The Millionaire Saint – Chapter 8

Dayana Berlusconi

I don’t understand anything about this contract with Mr. Bristol, he treats me like just another employee and assigns me jobs but he is still doing his part to send my mother to the best oncologist in the country, I can’t complain, I have already been in the hospital for two weeks. company and without a doubt it is incredible to work here, it is always what I wanted but I also have that concern of knowing when will the boss want to collect what was agreed upon?

The only bad thing between Mr. Bristol and me is that even though he has bought me a new closet with all kinds of business and formal clothes, I continue to arrive late and dress the way I like, for example today I am late and I imagine what angry he will be. I quickly enter the elevator to go up to the floor where I will find my grumpy boss, when I arrive I leave my bag on the desk and knock on the door of his office without receiving a response from him.

gest to smallest, I don’t know what kind of problems he will have but he loves order. I look at his chair and there it is, I take it out of him, so I doubt that Mr. Bristol is sick. I hear a noise coming from a door and I look at the door where my boss is coming out. He stops when he sees me.


ni,” he announces, snapping

aces it on his desk, and takes a seat.

it for that moment, since if I do it on an ice cube…

his mouth.

akes the call.

to talk to you about, — he runs his hand through his hair and seems to be angry. “I will present it to you in due course,” he hangs up, “I will send some of the assignments to his email, he won’t have much today,” he comments and types several times on his keyboard, “You can withdraw,” he asks and I

is relationship with his mother. I notice in the email a three assignments which are to translate a contract from German to English, which I don’t know is so difficult, so I start doing my work so I can


on before lunchtime, sent everything to Mr. Bri

CEO Bristol

you to take care of I lost my lunch also order what you want to eat an

white rice and a brocc



mport Bris

to order what they requested along with my food, which is undoubtedly Sushi, Shaow’s restaurant is very well recognized for its exquisite Asian food and having the opportunity to eat something from them is incredibl

s desk.


about me, so we should take advantage of this moment to do so,” I nod. From what I see, Mr. Bristol does nothing that does not generate benefit, that man is undoubtedly a

o move in his seat, sighs and drinks water.

birthday is on December twenty-six,

moved in his adolescence,” he grimaces.

es his teenage life. “Tell me about yourself,” he eats and waits for me to speak.

ting. What could I tell you that you don’t know? —My question is a bit borderline but I already said it and there is no

be when she needs to get away from everyone and what she does if she feels frustrated by something. —he argues.

“You’re right,


about something or relax, my favorite food will always be a grilled beef and on stormy days for me “They are a horrible nightmare because of the lightning,” I tell him and he is attentive to everything I say.

at in mind, Miss Berlusconi,” he comments to which I nod.

ontinued eating and then each of us returned to


want to see his face when he sees me. He’s a top-notch controller, if he weren’t so grumpy he’d have a mini o****m every time I’m around him, but it’s a shame that since he opens his mouth I get out of my mental fever.

all smile to the boy opening the elevator doors.

my invitation to go out? —“Damn, this is what happens to me for being flirtatious”

ays necessary to opt for the law that always saves one from misfortune.

else to realize that I slept with him but that was before signing the contract with Mr. Bristol. —The point is that it won’t happen again—with my e

on’t un

ers who are unbearable. I’m not interested in having a partner who cheats on me or who walks obsessively after m

ay next to my sexy grumpy boss, I quickly analyze my face and hair in the mirror of the metal drawer and everything is perfect. As I me

s,” I think.

nothing. less than Mr. Bristol with his head thrown back while masturbating.

le shit»

is tremendously hot, I feel hot all over my body and I can’t help but cross my legs in front of such a stud who is m

ull up his underwear and then his pants. He looks at me angrily and walks over to where I am.

s.” —First of all, I hope you don’t

d by my insolence when answering him. —Second, this is my workplace…

ted spying on me.

s eyebrows.

e spied on me,” I remain silent.

since he knows that is impossible.

o go to my workplace with the images of my boss naked in my head.

lging such a scene that I saw today, I never thought that Mr. Bristol would do something like this in his office, but one thing I am clear about is that: “His nudity caused


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