The Perfect Luna Chapter 57

Feeling sick with dread, Riannon stared at her phone. What was she to do? Dean was like a little brother to her, and in spite of him failing her numerous times, she did not want him dead.

Knowing that Dean’s wolf was chocolate brown in colour, she often wondered at the possibility of him being the wolf Roxy manipulated to kill her in her past life. She did not like to think about it, but from time to time, her mind couldn’t help but wonder.

Considering all this, she also couldn’t help the sneaking suspicion that this was a trap.

first place.

ded were very different now.


think she would let a witness like Dean go free. Her aim was to kill them both today. After all, they were the only two peo

yx, but her wolf remained silent, angering her for the first time since losing her wolf. It would be so much easier if she was

ess and wanted to use that knowledge against her while it lasted.

he extent to which Roxanne was informed about events in her pack. Some of the people who pledged their loyalty to her today could be spies for all she knew. There were a few surprises in store for her if that was the case. Pack members who Ria supposed would stay loyal to Brayden, according to her calculations, chose her for some reason. Whatever she had to do for Dean, she had to do it quietly.

ear what I have to say. We have a situation. Roxanne just contacted me. She has Dean,”

sh asked her, sounding a bit startled.

is not a false alarm.”

throat out for this!”

acutely aware of the dire situation, as he immediately phased into professional gamma m

ed as children,” Ria told them, “I guess Dean showed her that place. Maybe this is where they used to meet up

r. So, we need to work carefully here. What I want you to do is to pretend to keep looking for him. However, at the appointed time, you should be close to me and wait for my signal. Ash, I want you to pick a few of the best warriors we have. Although, not from Brayden’s people.

m lead the Lycans. They will be our best bet for now.”

her Beta gritted thròugh her teeth.

Ash volunteered, “But, you should be careful. I know you are strong, but you don’t know if she will have supporters with her.”

at the moment. Her accusation of me being wolf-less was true, Ash. Onyx does not respond to me. I can’t shift.

cannot go there! This is suicide!”

ll an Alpha, and this is my decision. I will make a play for time and try to rescue Dean. Then, you will help me.”

Beta to do exactly as I say. You both know what to do.

fail me.”

and sighed, closing her eyes for a brief moment.

was risky. Not to mention reckless. Gideon would probably be

own if she did manage to turn the tables, for Ria to pass up.

ally as possible.

r of jeans and a black chiffon blouse paired with

re too busy with preparing their new living arrangements to pay her proper attention. Not a single one asked why their Alpha ventured into t

ouse on time. After all, Roxanne had only given her one hour.

round her.

oked so quiet.

und ever.

No pressure, but now would be a great time to show yourself!”

oken twig, and she turned toward the sound o

one on her right and then one more right b


Alpha now,” she corrected, bidding for time and looking poised and unintim

en lasting a day in your position.”

t him and folding her arms across her chest, “Also, I have already made it longer than the shortest ruling Alpha in history as of now. Alpha Jeremy Vines ruled

would be a shame to kill you.”

d he just cancel on me?”

ng who she was talking about, yet unaware as to what they should do with this information. Ria had played her cards w


r Gamma and Beta responded almost i

you?” the leader asked her impatiently. Whoever Everett was, he was important enough to make them all nervous.

ully unaware as you are. One thing I do know for sure is it did seem important because he had sought me out twice before.”

one of the men asked the leader, and the latter remained silent.

idea if this is the case,” another one added, and she smirked at them. Her plan was working.

heard the familiar voice she hated so much and saw Roxanne walking out from behind one of the bush

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