The Perfect Luna Chapter 71

Following the scent of the Fox King, Gideon wished for nothing more than to tear his head off. His decapitated head would solve most of Gideon’s problems, as the sly bastard was the brain behind everything and eliminating him would be crucial for the victory.

He sped up, letting Mars take control. Soon they saw a red blur ahead of them. Castiel’s scent was evident. They didn’t hesitate to charge at the fox, knocking him off his feet. His beast was huge, although not a match for a Lycan wolf. Gideon could have overpowered him easily if not for the two bears who joined his enemy. They were extremely massive and aggressive.

Their size took him a little longer to rip their necks off. Now two things worried him. First, he could not see the girl Castiel had taken hostage. Second, they carefully watched this area, and still, these two bears came out of nowhere.

again, but Gideon managed to catch up with him and dig his canines into his side to make him stop. The red beast whimpered

narled i

ed curly hair, who trembled in horror.

t the Fox King.

o his wolf. “How did this happen?”

“He has the King’s scent on him! It’s identical! Foxes are the only ones who can do this type of

t when dealing with this sly creature.

r side?”

dungeon in our Queen’s pack,” his friend repli

eep your eyes open. Don’t trust in their scent too much.” Gideon advised him and then tried to connect to his mate. “Riannon.”

bond, he couldn’t.

non!” he called again

you see Riannon?” he ask

eally worried.

onnect to your mate?” the Lycan King asked, strivin

. “But, I am heading there right now.


stopped him.

couldn’t feel Riannon nearby.

ne, and from there, Ria’s traces moved in five different directions.

ks of birds to fly away from the trees into the atmosphere.

over this part of the woods. It would be impossible to trace them.

t to copy her scent, they had to have her. How did they do it? The plan worked perfectly! She was safe! They won

ying to find her.

he howled at the loss of his mate.

rate, angry, broken.

aced back to the packhouse, where everyone was waiting for him with stern faces. He shifted in one breath.

at do you know?” he asked through gritted teeth when he saw Reid walking out of the mansion with Maya, who looked miserable an

nfirmary.” his Beta told

re is Riannon?

her last?”

ike what he heard next.

ycan King in the eye.

way. I think it was Castiel.”

breath quickened.

the hell did that happen?”

s,” Maya admitted. “He held her in his arms. I was in the middle of a battle and coul

r, which only made Gideon more suspicious.


ou. lsn’t that right?!”

correct, my King.” She acknowledged his title for the first time since they had kno

he plan! She went to help you, and because of that got hersel

ns” He pleaded.

to hold his anger. “Your best friend!”

know-” Maya muttered under her breath, sha

lear our heads to get her back!” Reid reasoned with his Alpha. “Get yourself cleaned and we’ll get to work. This is not the end. It’s only the beginnin

tured many of our enemies today. Roxy is one of them. She sure as hell has some valuable information for us.”

d past the two of them, growling, “I expect you two in the dungeons within the hour!” Riannon slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times as she tried to adjust to the light. Her head was pounding, and she tried to remember where she was.

a new room for her.

his was his house. He was way too comfortable here.

was there were cameras installed in this room. Otherwise, how would he know she was awake?

see you are up and feeling well.” He carefully closed the doors behind them, and she heard the lock click.

r?” She moved to the edge of the bed and sat on it.

as if he didn’t just lose a battle.

her forehead. She had never had a headache this bad.

y if there was a chance. However, there was not, so don’t blame me. I have wanted us to talk for a while now.”

We live during sad times if men have to drug women to simply talk to them,” she scof

it. Everything was posh, yet it looked like a picture from a magazine.

new,” she murmured before hearing the Fox King chuckle behind her. “I had it prępared specially for you after our first in-person meeting. You wil

top of the other. “Maybe I am just admiring the design.”

ting out a little laugh, tapping the armrest with his long fingers while eyeing her. He enjoyed this banter, and she h

someone who just lost a lot of men,” she stated, attempting to spoil his chirper

f his lips.

as back to sneering in less than a second. However, this time she knew it was clearly an act.

chase. Foxes hated that. They loved their mind games.

ho said I want anything?” Castiel

t confession, giving up on that one little lie.


to show it.

hear this,” she parried and heard another chuckle escape him. Menacing this tim

clicked his fingers. A chill travelled down Riannon’s spine when t

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