The Rejected Life Of Mala Luca – Chapter 12

Alpha Aston and his Beta, Simon, escorted Mala, Ben and 6 of their elite ranked warriors to the Challenge. It was a long drive from the Hollowed Moon Pack, in Colorado to Topeka Kansas, where the challenge was held every year. They left early in the morning a convoy of three cars.

Arrived sixteen hours later, checked into their hotel a day early so that they could get plenty of rest, they were not staying exactly near the arena out on Perry Lake, but in a hotel thirty minutes away, to keep away from most of the other packs. Though even that didn’t really help, they could already smell other wolves here as well.

Mala had been here in the arena before, not much had changed over the years. A few minor upgrades to the seating, and new fighting mats she noted, and a massive screen on the wall behind where the officials sat. Some sort of broadcasting screen, she thought, so everyone could get a better view of the fighting, she guessed, or perhaps it was a new ranking board she didn’t know, but that was what it looked like to her. Other than that, the place still looked as it had back then.

a as he registered his pack and those that would be fighting for his pack. Neither he nor Simon would be fighting, just her and Ben and t

already discussed this with them, how it would go, they had two warriors in each of the four tears of the fighting, unlike some packs who brought dozens of warriors to try and help the odds of them winning. They did not do that, brought the bare minimum, a r

s. Who she was going to kick back to their home pack, shamed by her and it would be a full shame to them and their pack. Considering what she should have been to them.

seating area if they were looking for her. Though she doubted very much they would be, she hadn’t seen them, in near on a decade, she’d simply vanished from the wolfen society they travelled in.

ook at the list of names before him, trying to find her on that list, she said nothing. It wasn’t her original pack either.

ength on the other. Now it was chin length on the left side and dropped all the way down to her breasts on the right side, made her look softer, more feminine than the last time she

she had wanted to look hard and nowadays didn’t have to, often wore nice clothes, instead of tattered jeans and old cr

ince turning sixteen anyway. She had dressed like this just to annoy them, or him. She thought absently. Didn’t really care t

just like her mother in every way, with the exception of her violet-coloured eyes. Everyon

to, for him to hunt her down out there in the rogue world. To try and bring her back to the pack after the error of the pack’s ways, where she was concerned. Not that they had ev

ha Aston and Luna Roberta had stared at her wolf, she was a little on the large side as well, though she was not as big as her Alpha’s wolf, but was the same size as

tably inside it.

blond hair, that was now a little longer on top and shorter on the sides, still fit and looking strong she noted, narrowed her eyes right on him, no mark on his neck she noticed.

gnise her, “Everything alright Mala?” Aston asked her as he got in the car. Heard the way she’d snapped the door shut, quite hard.

that wolf.”

attention. “I’m not interested Alpha, if that’s your concern.” She commented and turned to look out the w

u didn’t get to fight your own pack members here

the last time she was here.

to enjoy bringing down the Glimmering Moon Pack. No-one here had seen her in 9 long years.

t in her pack, and Hudson had probably thought she’d run off and died, heartbroken for him or something like that. But no, Mala was much stronger, she had survived and thrived inside her new pack.

your home pack here?”

s here. One of the first to register I noted. My brother is here, signed up to fight as well, I saw.”

es for you, lower if possible.”

to see that, Mala.” He

ability to do so?”

e, I suppose.”

ance, perhaps worse.” She muttered and looked out the window.

of coming face to face with their own past, she guessed.

st how strong they were. Out of the eight fighters they had brought, six of them were women.

wanted alliances with strong warrior packs.

protect their pack, the life they had been given to live, a life she liked and was never going to relinquish to anyone.

out coming and attacking The Hollowed Moon Pack.

e only wolves here either, there were currently four other wolfen packs here, at the hotel. All were here to eat as well, and no one, it seemed, knew who they were, and she could hear the chatter

anter, and taunting but it seemed, more on the friendly side than nasty side of things, likely they all ran in the same circles. Why they were all staying here in the same hotel, could well be all alliance to each other, for all she knew.

m the other packs, they all seemed interested in the ten of them, not that any of them approached her Alpha to ask him.

r fraternisation was not what they were here for, a show of strength to The Crescent Blood Moon Pack, was why they were here.

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