The Unwanted Wolf – Chapter 50

Mark wasn’t too fond of the idea of coming into this strange lady’s house, especially when we told him about our first interaction with her. But with a little batting of my eyelashes, he reluctantly agreed. I told him she said she could heal him, but he didn’t believe it. I couldn’t blame him on that one, though. If there was a cure for wolfsbane, I was sure someone somewhere would have heard about it, and there would at least be a rumor that it existed.

We all entered the house, and Daniel was the first one to rush in. He looked like a little kid, excited to go to an amusement park. His eyes sparkled at all of the potions lying around. He went to touch something, and Ginger was instantly in front of him.

She smacked his finger. “Don’t touch anything without permission.”

e permission to touch things?”

le fingers of yours.”

a greater part of him than I realized.

of him was happy I wouldn’t let go. He had his arm around my shoulder and held me tightly. I helped him over to the couch and slowly sat him down.

ally know a cure for wolfsbane?” Daniel asked, standing right behin

cure for everything in this world. It’s a matter of finding what it is.”

r tongue. “That mind of yours is

rs have specialties?” Daniel asked.

lthough, he could get himself in trouble with Ginger if he didn’t listen to her.


down like he was told. “So does everyone have a specialty?”

alty, but not all choose to have one, and some never find what they are skilled at, so they work on all of their powers.”

ered what Theron’s specialty was, if he had one. I hadn’t seen him use many of his powers, other than shifting and poisoning people. Maybe he was skilled at poison..

Ginger knelt down in front of Mark.

ith both of hers and held them tightly. Closing her eyes, she started humming an unfamiliar tune. When she opened her eyes, they were completely white.

out completely killing you. It also means it will stay in your system longer than a normal dose.”

y were back to normal. She let go of Mark’s hand and instantly started moving around the ro

l gushed.

’s play.”

what’s the real deal?” Rie asked. She was standing in the corner of the room, watching everything unfold. Her eyes kept wandering between Ginger and

. “Y’all aren’t ready for that yet.”

made a puff of purple smoke appear. She walked over to Mark and handed it to him.

You’ll start feeling better within an hour, and then your body can take it fr

he cup and frowned. The liquid inside looked completely unappetizing. He looked at me for reassurance. I nodded, and so he slowly lifted the cup to his lips. He took a small sip and instantly started coughing.

ven get worse. Push through it, and you won’t regret it.”

s will help?” Rie asked.

. I’m not going to harm your alpha.”

Daniel. “It’s easy to know things if you listen to the energy surrounding people.”

asked, standing up. “How do you get in touch with your powers and get stronger?”

on something, but I didn’t see anything in particular.

cial. You have a special future ahead of you.” The old lady suddenly moved over to me, standing only a few inches from my face.

down. My heart beat faster at the sudden motion, but then it calmed down.

ank. I saw Ginger walking through the scene and ran after her.

ing around.

“I’m sure you’ve been here before.”

ound, but she was right. I had been here many times. Usually Moon or Shadow or both were here with me. “I

cerer’s mind plane without them inviting you. It’s a safe place where you can explore truths,” Ginger explained. She kept walking, but I didn’t understand the point. There was nothing around us but white. There was nothing to walk to or from.

Then how are you here?” She was walk

nswers, so we are looking for answers together.” She

oing? There’s nothing here.” I squinted my eyes to see if there was something I w

looking around.

chest once again. “I… I haven’t seen her since my soulmate rejected me.”

sitting on my couch?”

esterday.” I looked at the ground and focused on my breathing.

being rejected by your soulmate can affect your powers.” Ginger twirled her hair in her fin

y fear was.

to our emotions. We can be weakened by dejection and sadness. Anger can fuel your power, but it can easily get out of control. Happiness, love-as cliche as it sounds-are where the true control and power lie. If you can learn to harness those feelings, you will be practically unstoppable.”

me to stop me.



too hard.”

blue, followed by a deep red. More and more colors swirled around until they started creating various shapes.

and it grew dark. The moon rose, and the girl transformed into a wolf. She kept running until she reached a river. She looked into the river, and her eyes were sparkling and bright. Her entire

nd gorgeous view, and I felt enthralled watching the sight. Something deep inside of me stirred, and I knew this meant something big.

w, girl?” Ginger asked, her eyes following the scene.

oes it mean?”

into something more. A dark shadow grew around the wolf, and then it started chasing her. She ran through



ter with Mark.

l you learn how to control your

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