The Unwanted Wolf – Chapter 52

Mark’s whole body tensed, and he sat up, pulling away from me. I could see his jaw clench and unclench as his mind raced over my words. “What happened?” His voice was surprisingly calm.

“Not what you’re thinking. Well, I don’t actually know what you’re thinking. I should just tell you so you don’t think it’s worse.” I took a deep breath, trying to calm my mind. After how Jori reacted in our conversation, I was terrified of how Mark would react. What if he rejected me too? What if he thought I wanted Jori and only picked him because Jori rejected me?

I pulled away from Mark, knowing I wouldn’t be able to think straight in his arms. I sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at Mark. He was silently waiting for me to explain myself.

as feeling. So much had happened, and I didn’t want to deal with any of it.” I looked down at my hands and squeezed them tight. Tears threatened my eyes as I thought about what happened next in the conversation.

tion, Jori grabbed me, and…”

rt you?”

idn’t respond right away. I opened my mouth to answer, but no words came out. Instead I nodded. “But I get it. He was fr

care what you did or didn’t do. No one should ever harm you like that, especially your mate, who is supposed to protect you.”

because I was still weighing my options, but here he was saying it wasn’t my fault.


ause he rejected me. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”


would be upset with me.”


at I wanted Jori because of this.”

difficult it is to be rejected by your mate. It’s a bond being broken. Your circumstance may be different than others, but it doesn’t mean you deserve to be in pain any more than anyone else.”

m sorry for that.”

o hurt anyone, even at your own expense.”

around my body. “Do you want to know when I knew you were the one I wanted to be with?” I looked up into Mark’s eyes.

took me that it fully clicked. I was cold and lonely, and I only wanted to be in your arms again. When neither you nor Jori were around me, I wanted you. And I knew then that I wanted you for the rest of my life. You were the reason I made it out of that situation. I knew I had to get back to you, so I could tell you how I truly felt.”

wn, terrified to look at Mark again. I felt so open and vulnerable. I knew if Mark wanted to, he would completely break me in this moment.

were in danger?”

ed his cheek and rubbed it gently to calm him. “How did you know where to look?”

were. I just got there too late. I’m sorry. I just made things worse.”

at me directly. “I think we need to stop apologizing to ea

ove on, knowing we’ll be together forever.”

iss, and everything felt so muc


hewed on my lip for a moment. “What happened between you and Jori?

or you to know,” Mark finally said.

o talk about, you don’t have to.”

ow my side of things. Can you just promise me something? Can you promise me that you won’t think of me differently? I didn’t handle the situation the best, and there are things I’m ashamed of.”

are today. We’ve all made mistakes in our past, and I won’t think any differently of you for something you did in your past.” I gave him a smile to re

ld, and I didn’t understand how the world worked at that point. Jori’s father took me in at the time. I was so grateful for it, and Jori and I became best friends, brothers even. I always knew Jori was destined to take over the pack. His father was the alpha, so there was no doubt that Jori would have the

o had the alpha gene. Turned out that Jori’s father was expecting this. He knew my father was the alpha all along, but he never told me this. I had been told that my parents were rogues, but that was a lie. My childhood had been a lie.

s the Alpha, and my father was the one who was meant to take over when my grandfather retired.”

ark’s story. Jori hadn’t mentioned any of this. “How did

ndered that myself,” Mark continued. “My grandfather was killed and his son was run off. No one in the pack knew he was my grandfather, or that I was the child of the man who was s

who believed me or were loyal to me decided to join me.

uldn’t, but it had belonged to my grandfather. If I couldn’t live up to my family inheritance, I wanted to take a piece of my inheritance with me. May

to his pack?”


He fought for me when Jori wouldn’t. He was supportive and loving and cared about me and my happiness.

more from him this time.

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