Three Fated Hearts – Chapter 18


Every inch of my body is in pain. I try to move, but the pain is too much. I can hear beeping around me. I crack my eyes open a bit, but all I see is white. I wonder if I’m dead. I try to focus on my surroundings to get an idea of where I am. The first thing I notice is the sparks on both of my hands. I take a deep breath, and I can smell the peppermint, lemon, and grapefruit. My mates are here, wherever here is.

I move a bit, trying to squeeze my hands. I can’t speak with this tub down my throat, but I want the twins to know that I’m awake. I move my fingers around to elicit a response. Lincoln groans and moves his head, but he stays asleep. Landon shoots right up and looks around the room before landing his eyes on me.

ended up here, wherever here is. In no time, Landon comes back with a doctor who checks my vitals. He asks how I’m feeling, but I am still not really able to respond. The doctor seems as if he understands and takes Landon outside to talk. Lincoln still does not stir, which amuses me a bit. He sleeps so hard; it’s cute. I try to stay alert for when Landon com



sleep at Tia’s side, and Tia is passed out. I know she will probably sleep a lot since her body is trying to recuperate.

s face. She moans quietly but stays asleep. She is so beautiful, and we came so close to losing her. I can’t imagine being without her, even though we just found her to be our mate. I know it’s hard to believe the sincerity of my words, but they are real as I am. I have always had an interest in Tia, I just never voiced it, and that’s my shortcoming. I should have been bolder and had more courage. Instead, I let my fears overcome me and didn’t speak about my f

d notice it’s my dad. “What’s up dad?”


ned snce we left yesterday. Right now we are at the M


e story about us finding Tia hurt and dying. I also tell him about the phone call tha

is a lot to unpack. I can’t say that your mom did or didn’t have a hand in the call to get you back home, but it was definitely a plot. I will look into things on my end and see what I can find out. We need to figure out who called you in

ve done if she hadn’t made it. We need to get her home, but I’m not sure how that will go.”

eantime, I’m in your corner, and I will do all I can to make sure that Tia is happy and comfortable. Bring her home, son……everything will be okay.” I hang up the phone and take a minute, looking into the door’s window. Tia is sleeping peacefully, and Lincoln still has not woken up. That is my family in there; my brother and my mate. I have to do anything and everything to ma

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