Three Fated Hearts – Chapter 66


I swear they are too predictable. I, honestly, expected that to take more convincing, but no…..not for those two. Just the idea that I planned to meet with my sister was enough to set them off. I’m both parts glad and disgusted. I will no longer have to see her and pretend to care, yet they are so quick to save their precious mate.

I sigh and pull my phone out, for probably the millionth time, just to be met with silence. Of course, there is no message. I’m not sure exactly what I’m waiting for, but I have nothing either way. It would be nice to hear from Neal, just so I knew that things were going how they should be. If Neal listened to me even a little, he should have made a move by now, and possibly it has been reciprocated. Maybe they catch them having s*x or maybe just kissing. Is it wrong for me to hope for the s*x? Ah, it doesn’t really matter, just as long as Neal has followed through as I told him to.

’s how I sold it to him; that she was definitely interested. I need the twins to catch her in a compromising situation, which will be more than enough. I need the twins to see Portia for what she really is, and then they will come crawling back to us. The question is: what do I do with Portia after that?


y hand. I’m sure I look flustered and sweaty. There is a moaning man on the ground, and if you can’t see his state, well, let’s say that moaning can be misconstrued.

y aren’t looking at me. They have murder in their eyes and are looking at the dressing room. I know what happened was wrong, but I don’t want Neal killed. I know there has to be a reason for his actions. We need to figure that out before any punishment is han

nt to find out. I don’t know where I find the courage, but I swallow the lump in my throat and take a slight step forward. “Guys……” A growl erupts from both of them at the same time. S**t!

a chance, I can explain everything. Of course, at the wrong possible moment, Neal comes stumbling out of the dressing room. Stupid i***t! He just had to come out of the dressing room at this time….before I could even talk to the twins?! I

fast the moment he walked out. I turn to see Neal pinned against the wall, Landon’s hand around his neck. Neal is clawing at Landon’s hand, gasping for breath. I told you not to open your mouth and speak.

l over my backside. I stop and look up in the face of Lincoln. He is angry, but he is also confused. I turn around and face him, placing my hands on his arms.

Lincoln, but I can’t stop crying to save my life. I can hear Lincoln’s breaths come out in huffs. I notice his hand rising from his side, and my fear heightens. I just know that he’s going to put me in a similar position that Landon has Neal. I can’t believe that it’s come to this; our relationship has hit this wall. Lincoln’s hand reaches for me, and I flinch. He stops for a second, then continues, running his hand down my face. I close my eyes at the contact and relish the sparks, no

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