Three Fated Hearts – Chapter 71


We, somehow, made it to the bed. We aren’t sleeping, just trying to catch our breaths. That was amazing and tiring at the same time. Marking can take a lot out of you. Marked……we are marked.

Can you believe it, Goliath? She marked us. Goliath huffs, laying on his back, trying to rest. I can’t help but chuckle at the sight. I’m a marked wolf. Not only am I marked, but I was able to mark her.

do that? I can hear all of us breathing, and I know that no one is asleep. “Why?”

h….L, is everything okay?”

over at any minute.

ho I am.

, looking at me.


t me.

head back to the ceiling. “I did the same thing. I put myself in a situation that I shouldn’t have. Neal had been texting me and I wasn’t feeling really comfortable with how things were going.” Lincoln’s growl rips through the room, and I see Tia place her hand on his back.

ther, as one, in order to fight our enemies. I marked you for that reason, so we can be strong. Once things die down, you will need to work for my forgiveness.”

deserve you.”

I am anyway.”

otally, deserve Tia.” I throw my pillow at Lincoln, making Tia quickly move out of the line of fire. Ever

k with Neal.” Lincoln and I growl at that while Tia

go talk to him to get the whole story.” Lincoln starts to get up, grumbling along the way.

iss Tia on the lips before getting out of bed to get dressed.

between the three of us. “This will still happen, mama has needs.” I can’t help but laugh. I really don’t deserve her


been sitting here already? What the hell is taking so long? I bet she is pitching a fit, crying and blubbering. She’s probably begging them to stay with her, begging them not to throw her in the cells. I can see the tears and snot running down her face and the anger on the twins’ f

ed you for that reason, so we can be strong. Once things die down, you will need to work for my forgiveness.”


ust saw!”

ocus on anything. How the hell did this happen? How

see that I’m alone. I start to head to the doorway and pop my head out to see who’s around. I find no one, so I quickly dart to the front door, closing it quietly behind me. I don’t know wh

ve to figure out how to keep that from happening. I run into the woods so I can come up with a plan.

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