Her Forever (Book 2)- Chapter 30

Rosalie was coloring while Derek absentmindedly stirred the spaghetti sauce for dinner that night. Derek had been enjoying Rosalie’s company for the past two years. Doing something that his mate had wanted to do ever since he met Derek gave warmth to his chest, to have a little girl to take care of. His heart still had not beat since first meeting his mate. Once you meet your mate, your heart begins to beat only for them; however, the untimely murder of his beloved before they were adequately bonded left his heart empty and cold. Only a hard rock of an organ was left.

Rosalie was the only one that made him feel warm on his cold skin. Ever since he had fostered her when she was only 8 years old, caring for her gave him a whole new meaning to life. After centuries of not having anyone and living alone, having someone to care for was fresh and invigorating.

“Mr. Derek, how much longer?” Rosalie sputtered as she continued to draw a picture of the two. They had been to the zoo that day, looking at the many different animals. Her favorite animals were the Wolves, especially one that looked like an overgrown golden retriever. Her eyes lit up so much when she saw it that he ended up buying her a small stuffed toy that resembled it the most. He chuckled softly as she hugged it to her chest. Even being 10 years old, she was still such a child. Her innocence gave him a spark to please her, take care of her, and keep her from any harm.

were all spent on themselves because poor Rosie was in rags.


ourse I will, my dear,” he promised, and that was that.

d a couple of grades, causing Derek to beam with pride.

knew exactly what.

nued to sca

curls. She was short for her age and had a slight tan to her skin. Her attitude was carefree and unaware of the dangers of the world. Derek wanted to keep her in that innocence, but something sparked in him that day with what Rosie had said.

t lonely when I am with you.” Derek smoothed the slight cowlick on her head while she

ther, and you just have me. Don’t you want someone?”

complete innocence. “I am not lonely when you are here, Rosie. That is all I need.” His voice was, but a whisper, and Rosie sm

it made Derek’s stomach churn. It made him think, think of things he had never felt before. Could Rosie, as innocent as her statement was, be with him later? Her presence always calmed him. She wasn’t like other children. Rosie was ever gratef

men were vile creatures, and he never wanted anything more than to rid them from his presence. Vampires were made for good looks, all the better to make them head predators. The humans were g

Her face was adorable, and anyone would be blind to see that she turned into a beautiful young lady.

self. She looked at him no other woman or girl ever had. She adored him and only him right now. Once she was grown, she would be beautiful; her heart was full of gold, grace, and soon-to-be beauty.Thinking this for only a few minutes, he asked Rosalie, “Would you like that, Rosie? To be with me when you grow up?”

er picture.

u taking me to college and dropping me off.” What big dreams Rosalie had, and Derek didn’t like it.

elt a bit of pride in Rosalie wanting to take care of him; it quickly dissipated when he realized it was because of age.

Rosalie sensed the uneasiness in his voice. Her childlike mind didn’t understand; she wanted Mr. Derek to be happy. “I’m sorry,

How could they be together when he becomes old? She wanted to take care of Derek, go to college, and have her own family one day. She didn’t have romantic feelings towards him.

ontinued eating. Derek took this as an agreement in his twisted mind. He began to think of ways to make his desires come true. Tucking Rosalie into bed and giving a swift kiss to her forehead, like always, she drifted off to sleep.

gladly leave.

e had made his decision. He was going to make Rosalie his chosen beloved when she turned of age.

end of the phone said.

ice again.

eculation was correct about you starting to harbor feelings for a human that is not your

onds and more so forced bonds. I’m living in the Earth realm now, so I could sense it. You, Vampires, are like an open book regarding these types of ordeals. It’s been that way since the beginning.” Derek was done with her riddles; he j

r Vampire, one of the oldest besides the royal bloodlines and those in parliament. “Yes, certainly. I’ll be there within the week.” With that, she hung up.

as nothing had changed with Rosalie. She went to school, he made her dinner, and helped with homework. If anything, he doted on her more and made sure she was completely taken care of. She would always smile and thank him as he helped pack her scho

heart. With a slight grimace, she read her soul and realized this would be harder than she thought. Her thoughts returned to the feared day she left Bergarian, the realm she felt was her home. She had done something so unthinkable that she was thrown out of her coven. She had tried to separate a royal bond to that of a warrior and a lost princess that had already mated. Her life had never been the same since.

d in Anana; she didn’t want to be a part of this bonding. This would cause trouble here in the Earth realm for her, and the though

a Vampire. “What do you mean?” he whispered to not waken his future betrothed.

not want to intervene between bonds. If she didn’t have a mate, then maybe, but she does so no.” Anana walked past Derek as she went to the stairs.

o what you want; she needs to be mine.”

oaking spells any longer. That was taken from her the day Sabrina had ripped her spellbook to pieces.

was the only way.

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