I Shouldn’t Love Him – Chapter 15

Do you know that pain in your head when you spend a whole night with your eyes wide open and your mind disconnected from the world?? that unpleasant urge to want to vomit and that blinding light of day that hurts your eyes? .. This is how I feel right now because of this f*****g sleepless night.

I am lying on my back, the ceiling seems very interesting to me for many hours.

I stand up slightly from the bed, and massage my painful temples. The contact of my bare feet with the cold tiles sends unpleasant shivers down my body.

that Monday comes so quickly.

do the trick!

and rush in.

xhausted brain.

my burning skin.

h each cold droplet, I hurt, terribly, but I don’t want to cry…not now.

s the first to get up, the first to prepare breakfast,

y body in a long soft towel, and finally get out of this narrow roo

air of black jogging pants from my wardrobe which I put on and search in the monstrous mess I caused for my t-shirt, or rather Dad’s white t-shirt.


where with my heart pounding, panic rises in me… he is nowhere to be found.

ten, the first tears that I held back all night flow with incredible speed until they run down my neck.


l up on myself, my vision is totally blurry, and my body is shaking slightly,

ts like hell.

move from this place.

…I found him.

e and I wipe my tear-filled eyes with the back of my hand.

difficulty and settle down on my bed, deliberately leaving behind me my clothes which are lying on the ground, I don’t have the heart to put anything away today.

dial my mother’s number and decide to call her.

up and take a look at the time which is almost 2 p.m., she is not sleeping at this time, what can she be doing then?

y cell at the other end of the bed, breathing irregularly.

sense, for a Sunday?!

face and try to calm mys

n, I reassured myself.

n and rearrange my wet hair that sticks to my forehead.

dvance that I won’t be leaving this room anytime soon.

the level of my stomach to calm the emerging pain in my stomach which is crying o

ccelerates the beating of my vital organ. I apparently fell asleep.

n the screen.

hasn’t called me back.

knew it…

om Gabriel.

p.m.: Hello princess, how are


me you’re asleep at this time? Miss.

.: If you don’t want to talk to me, that’s okay, but let me know it’s okay.

a answer me, I’m starting to wo

I arrive at


get up from my bed at the sound of Gabriel’s impatient ringtone, I take two step

st I can to stay upright, and continue on my way like a pitiful granny.

rgetically banging on the old front door.

ing damage, and I hurry to open the door.

who is still as beautiful but whose angelic face is distorted by worry.

e of me.

y deserve him?

whispers, still worried.

king at me completely up and down, I know.

nd probably big black bags under my eyes.

with these large, soothing hands.

!” he exclaims, trying to remain calm.

increases my migraine.

I said, settling down on the sofa.

istent gaze on me disturbed me somewhat.

is something that is bothering you.

hich melts my heart, in this moment I

d cling miserably to his neck, he tenses for a moment surprised by my unexpected and perhaps inappropriate gesture.

l well, I murmured with my head buried in the hollow

intrudes pleasantly into my lungs, it’s incredible how good I feel in his presence, which is quite frighten

everything Liya,

ould I te

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