Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 195

Moments after I meet Rafe on the field, a group of us are rushing back towards the house. Rafe is shouting commands down the line of the radio on his shoulder, ordering one of the re-fueled helicopters to come to the back lawn.

I’m at the head of the group, leading the way back to the house, Rafe behind me, a collection of medics moving swiftly behind him, carrying their medical packs and a stretcher. My boys trail after the medics, holding each other’s hands.

They were quite brave before – upstairs, when they did their jobs in the interrogation of my father and Joyce. But now, I know that they’re wondering the same thing I am. Was it worth it? Was it worth the extra time it took, to discredit them – to end the war?

should we have just used the time to concentrate on getting Victo


wn the hallway, down the stairs, into the basement.

That he might have…


rrive at the open door to Victor’s cell –

t so pale –

e in my hands, whispering his name –

they press against his lips.

e minutes later.

their work, Evelyn,” he says, nodding to the medics.

feel myself needing to be.

cs fall to their work, getting on their knees on either side of Victor. They check his vitals

Not that I thought it was. I don


Then we’re going to get him upstairs so we can airlift him.”

, letting her know that I understand, and

’t even think I blink, or breathe.

t moment is when they have to lift Victor to slip the stretcher beneath him. Victor lets out a heavy groan that makes Rafe cover his face with his hand, that makes Alvin’s hand snap up and grab mine. I just stay perfectly still, my eyes trained to his form.

t it’s done in what feels like a second. They secure the straps and then the

head back out onto the lawn. The chopper is waiting there, its blades spinning. It’s not a medical helicopter at all – just one of Victor’s small military hel

s, purpose. He would never, ever abandon them as my father was prepared to abandon his Betas.


ield and the medics start to load Victor into the helicopter.

I. “We can take one of you,” she says, looking between us. “The helicopter can’t handle more weight than that. Ju

cided. “You go,” he says, and gestures around to the waiting troops. “I’ll stay here,

. They’ll take care of the boys, they’ll bring them to…wherever we are.”

aw tight. “It’s not time for that. Not today.”

around me.

e let

wrap each of my boys in a hug next.

ay with Uncle Rafe, and then Aunt Emma will bring you to the hospital as soon as we know which one. Okay?”

s, his mou

n to fill my own eyes. But they need to see me leave here strong, confident. So, I hold my tears inside.

r and then jumping in herself. She pulls the door closed behind us.

ront. She climbs over Victor’s pale, still form and nods to the pilot, who begins the take-off process.

pair of headphones. I smile my thanks at he

hrough the skies faster than I think I’ve ever moved in my life. I h

all that she can. Now it’s up to him.

Trying to give him my strength, if that’s possible, to let him know that I’m close to him, to be strong for him.


st by sight, that he’s almost gone from this world.


my hand.

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