Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 196

Sixteen hours later, we’re still in the hospital, waiting for news.

My head hangs, my chin almost touching my chest as I listen to the clock in our private waiting room click. And click. And click. The seconds trip slowly by.

Ian leans against me, Alvin sprawled across my lap. Both, thankfully, are asleep, though they fought it for the longest time. But I’d rather have them this way, peacefully oblivious, rather than enduring the interminable wait.

ng to have to be so patient.

te hasn’t joined him. Victor’s parents are on their way, but they were in Europe on vacation when they got the news – it will take them hours more to get here, perhaps even days.

y children’s, are enough.


ago, after getting the troops reordered. He also moved my father and Joyce to Victor’s own state-of-the-art incarceration facility, to await jud

e moment.

first arrived, he paced for hours, staring at the door, growling. I think he wanted to burst into the surgery and force

e floor. Waiting, like the rest of us.

r chairs.

next to me, raising their heads to see what the fuss is about.

ays, closing the door behind him. A huge exhale of breath leaves me and I press my eyes closed, giving a silent prayer of thanks.

’s alive.

next of kin?”

ve, you can give them to all of us.”

he boys aren’t yet old enough to qualify, even if they are his acknowledged sons.

And me?

sed his spine –“

r really know –

cially to his left lung, which collapsed. And then again to his heart, which was…well, he was again lucky there. The bullet only grazed his heart, it didn’t penetrate it, but it did do damage to the muscle.”

of breath here, covering my mout

hakes his head. “Even with the Alpha’s increased rate of healing…the damage is significant. Overwhelming.”

The doctor, to his credit, only flinches a little as he looks up into Rafe’s face.

but…a miracle.”

at the rest of us then. “If I were you, I would be praying for a mirac

at this news. I don’t even try to stop them. I hear my boys start to cry next to me, devastated.

st barely got their father back, only to hear – a few m

rywall, leaving an empty hole when he pulls his hand back.

asps at this, pressing himself back against the

to her credit, keeps her equanimity. She doesn’t even look towards Rafe as she stands and addresses the doctor. I suppose, dealing with Alphas her whole life, it’s nothing she hasn

can we expect next?”

til then, we expect Alpha Kensington to be stable. So, our advice to you would be to go home and rest. Come back t

other ope

I begin to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

me. “No, unfortunately – he’s resting, but he’s in intensive care – it’s not hospital policy –“

mouth hanging open as he stares at Rafe with fear in his e

cedures on him?” Rafe asks, his voice low.

. “He’s just resting under close scrutiny –“

ing a step towards him, “can’t sh

“Because…” the doctor says, his brows knitting with confusion. “It’s hospital policy…”

. “My brother has directed more money, time, and attention into the development of this hos


an interruption to any doctors or procedures,” Rafe says, sending a quick glance my way. “Then she will see him

. “Fine,” he says, agreeing. “Okay.”

es a single nod, and then tur

ing out of it, holding it open for me. I quickly bend down to give each of my boys a kiss on the cheek and then follow th

eps of machines and the sound of soft footsteps as nurses check on their patients.

the dark space behind.

ody. One long clear tube enters his mouth and slides, apparently, all the way down his throat.

t all to the si

air, please?” I ask

, I haven’t moved an inch. I’ve just been standing here, staring at Victor.

the chair next to the bed for me and I


the darkness.

d don’t leave his side for four days.

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