Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 4

I wave goodbye to Melissa, my client, as she wipes her eyes and walks to her car. She’s going to be all right – but wow, what an exhausting session.

As she drives away I click my phone open and check my email, pleased to see that the confirmation I was looking for is there. “Boys!” I call, “get your shoes!”

My children clatter around in the living room before spilling into the hallway, Ian hopping on one foot as he pulls on his sneaker. Alvin carries his shoes carefully and sits down to tie his laces. “What’s happening, mama?”


!” Ian’s face lights up and he throws h

ugh, you have to play as one. Are you okay with that?”

ay together, two

r!” I say, smacking their bums as they pass. Off we go.

vin and Ian Ortega,” the receptionist says, her eyes wide. “This…this is them?”

boy. “Yes,” I say. “Is there a problem?”

show are…adults. Doctors. Lawyers. Educated people.”

ptionist a gap-toothed grin.

guess…everything’s in order!” She laughs, “you’re the youngest contestants we’ve ever had! This will make for quite a show.”

ou know, you really are lucky,” she breathes, “to have two such children, so handsome, so smart…”

he top of their heads.

polite.” I narrow my eyes at Ian in particular. “No funny business.”

weetest smile.


big work, and helping people. He loves you,” I say, hoping, deep down, that it’s not a lie. “He just needs to be somewhere else. But he’s out there, thinking about you, and he’s proud.”

nd move to the craft services table, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

ith anticipation. I try to keep my face smooth so that if the boys look out into the audience they will find their mother placid and serene. Ha, what a lie.

mulous. The boys stand on stage behind a podium. Their answer appears in text on the front of the

stically, and the crowd goes wild, me included. I am on my feet clapping for my boys, shouting their names.

it!” The announcer says, “On to the final round! Congratulations, Ian and Alvin Ortega – you have the chance t

of podiums where they will face the previous champion, a scientist from LA. He generously shakes hands with the boys, who, I am pleased to see, greet him politely despite their excitement.

ncer says. Stagehands scatter and I take my seat.

have, amazingly, made it to the final round on your first try. To what do you owe your amazing accomplishment?”

sh and smile.

Spend your money on big prizes?”

dad stuff lately?

ys Alvin. “Our dad is real

zzzzz Nation!”

the twins fend off question after question.

tug on his sleeve to get his attention.

ent the trophy?” The intern whispers.

nd culture. Whatever.

ll my child. Did you do it?!” His face grows red with rage.

t now. My career is on the rise – I’m scheduled to walk at Paris fashion week in the spring. I’m not giving that up to pop out a kid.”

r eyes at him. “You never resp

is teeth and rubbing his brow. His Beta comes forward to stand next to him, silent in black, but there i

need to go to counseling.”

l gripped in Victor’s hand.

alled, again?”

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