Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 5

There’s a pop and confetti fills the air. “Ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer shouts, “for the first time ever, we have a tie for the win of Quiz Nation!” The twins jump in the air, shouting amongst the noise, while the two contestant podiums display the same final answer written across their fronts.

The announcer presses his finger to his ear, listening to his tiny earphone. “I am told,” he says, “that according to the Quiz Nation handbook, that we are obliged,” he pauses, letting the crowd cool down to listen, “to award the Quiz Nation title to the returning champion!”

Half of the crowd cheers while the other half boos, clearly rooting for Alvin and Ian. I boo along with them, disappointed for my boys.

lvin and Ian are a pair, and Jim played individually, he is our winner! All of this knowledge coming from one brain instead of two is j

we worked so hard!” Ian sho

ay Alvin and Ian Ortega are being awarded the rare People’s Choice award, to honor them for winning our hearts! Congratulations, boys!”

cheer again, their sadness easily wiped away. I guess any trophy is just as good to

ush forward to wave to


. He looks like me!”

staring at the man with the trophy with wide eyes. “Wow. I w

or, and comes towards the boys, scenting the air between them.

ll, not afraid, but cautious. When the man gets a whiff of them, he gasps and the trophy slips from his fingers to the ground, breaking into three pieces. The man stumbles back, staring at them, and then turns, storming towards the wing. The boys watch him go, not even caring about their lost prize. In their hearts,

to his Beta, demanding that he come heel immediately.


ught them here. Bring her to me, immediately.”


im. Looking down, he sees a little boy attached to each of his legs, their arms wrapped around him like tiny koala bears. One boy even slips to the ground, wrapping his legs around Victor’s ankle, determined never to let go.

meet you!” That one says, beaming up at him. “We’ve waited our whole lives!”

u’ve been busy, we understand,” says the other, smiling up at him and

he other, his eyes shining with joy. “Because we worked so

s our prize!” Says the other, burying his face in the side of Victor’

, he feels a warmth in his stomach, an instinctual urge, and he places a hand on each child’s head, caressing them.

“I’ve been waiting a lifetime to meet you.”

put him off year after year, wanting to accomplish other things first.

irs to the line. All of it had filled Victor with anxiety, with rage.

of that to rest. And made his hopes a reality. Two boys, even – what a blessing. But where…who…

rns the corner, anxiety in her voice as she calls “Boys!? Boys!” The Beta strides around th

rozen, staring at the image of her boys wrapp

s Victor.

god,” says E

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