Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 72

“Let’s go,” Victor says, stomping across the gravel drive. The Betas rush into motion, getting into cars, starting engines. Beta Stephen pauses, looking up at the stairs.

“Sir?” He asks, waiting for Evelyn to emerge from the house.

“She’s not coming,” Victor growls, sliding into the driver’s seat. Stephen stays perfectly still for a moment, working hard to keep his emotions from playing on his face.

on, climbing into the back seat with the waiting Ian and Alvin.

working hard – too hard – to keep his voice casual. “She says she wants to visit with your grandmother and your aunt for a little bit.”

Oh,” says Ian, sadness seeping into his v

y isn’t mommy coming home.”


elling Victor that he isn’t fooled.

e. “I’m going to get her back. Tonight.”

s on their shoulders and quietly walk up the driveway, lost in thought.

follows them with his hands in his pockets, realizing that they’re little

“Sir?” Stephen pulls up next to him on the walk to the house.

ntly, the plans forming in his mind as they approach the door. “He’s stolen her from me – he’s her Alpha now

head. “If she’s a member of his pack…then taking her will be an

ictor murmurs. “We’re going to have to be very car

ide eyes. She looks around at all of the silent Betas, the subdued children. “What’s happening? Is everything okay?”

is daughter,” Victor says, moving to the coffee machine to make a pot. “He’s keeping her o

n. He’s not surprised to see that Amelia isn’t exactly unhappy with the news, though she is concerned about what this means for her. Victor shakes his head, turning back to the machine, which begins to spit out the f

so scared and defeated.

I do,” Amelia says, coming up to wrap her arms ar

no time. “He can’t take my boys’ mother from them without my consent.”

he knows better than to counter Victor when he’s determined like this. “I’ll stay with the boys,” Amelia says, working hard to be helpful. She frowns, though, when Victor hesitates.

ng down at her. “And Edgar, he knows them best.” There’s something in h



. A nice quiet night.”

er head to where key members of his Beta team have gathered outside of his office, read

p of coffee and moving away. “You’re a big help.”

Amelia thinks, Evelyn will be perfectly safe in her father’s home.

ct Beta team, chosen for their stealth and capacity for violence. Victor is riding in the open bed of the powerful truck, its giant wheels speeding along the highway, su

e night, his face stern with purpose. Victor knows precisely what he has to do and is prepared to destroy anything that gets in his way.

ll be taking lead.” The Beta nods and the team again falls into silence.

the brush. Finally, they finish creeping forward and the engine goes silent.

left, “and head forward for about half a mile, you’ll come to the Walsh’s yard.”

, in his office, before moving out. So far, all was going to plan. They were far enough from the house that it was unlikely that Walsh’s small Beta force would be patrolling here. But as they got closer, it was sure to be different.

Bloodshed only if absolutely necessary.”

,” Victor says, jumping down from the bed of the truck. “Let’s move out.”

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