Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 73

Victor and his team of three move stealthily through the woods. Victor takes the lead, crouching and scanning the darkness, but all seems peaceful. The Betas creep quietly behind, rifles in their hands, the night-vision sights pressed to their eyes. They move swiftly but carefully, taking no chances.

The team arrives at the Walsh property faster than Victor had expected. The team lays quietly in the grass at the edge of the woods, watching the predicted patrols move around the house’s perimeter, learning their patterns.

“This is taking too long,” Victor’s lead Beta whispers to him, “we need to move faster.”

They’ve gone into the house, a change of guards at eleven, just as I said.”

was growing up. It’s effective, of course, unless your opponent knows every detail of how it works, every c***k in its armor.

est Beta force in the country from scratch for nothing.

h’s Betas disappear into the house, Victor and his own rise to a crouch and swiftly move across the yard. Unseen, they climb up the stairs of the terrace and press themselves up against the wall on either side of the back door.

the guards, chloroform-soaked rags ready. There’s a muffled fight, and then the guards fall limp at their feet.

me thing to them,” Victor whispers, peering into the house. “When they, too, fail to respond after five minutes, Walsh’s lead will raise the alarm.”

run without me, or you’ll be shot.”

m, scanning the wall for a place to climb.

a in the country, as well as a handful of influential humans and Rogues.

on, though sometimes it had felt like this level of preparation would never turn out to be of any use.

the side of the house, where the family’s personal bedrooms are more likely to be. He’s

m’s bay window, which he had noted on the blueprints. Perfect. He unhooks a rope with a small grappling hook from its place on his belt, spinning it in his hands for momentum. As he tosses it up to stick to its spot on the second story, Victor prays, silently, that his instincts are correct and that this is Evelyn’s room.

rue, Victor begins to pull himself hand-over-hand up the rope, grateful that he’s kept in sh

self in the mirror.

er long brown curls hanging over her shoulders. Victor can’t see her face, but with that hair, he knows it can only be E

a woosh as he sees that his work and planning has paid off – it’s Evelyn.

in the window. Evelyn starts again, her eyes focusing on him, and then she gasps, rushing forward. She presses her hands on the pane and looks at him with relief in her eyes. H

ut to grab Victor by the back of the shirt, helping to haul him into the room. They both fall on the floor with a thump, at which Evelyn grimaces, worried about the noise.

ncing at the door in worry. “What are you doing here – I mean, I’m glad to see you – but –“


wer in this way.

g to kill you – “

staring into her eyes, determined. “I can’t leave you here. You have to come home.”

to –“

dark figures sprinting to the woods. He watches to ensure that they make it to the tree line and then moves back to Evelyn.

ing her to her feet. “It’s tim

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