The Billionaire’s Prodigal Wife – Chapter 43

By Friday Mackenna was exhausted. She was not sleeping and all of it had to do with the fact Alessandro had not returned her call and Nuncio had no updates for her. Whatever was happening in Italy, in the House of Giordano, was not hitting the news.

She sat in her office with her head buried in her hands when a knock on her door made her look up in surprise. “What’s up?”

Savannah’s expression was serious, “Nuncio called me. There was a statement from Alessandro’s company this morning. It was their official statement with him and Dulce delivering the message.”

hat did they say?”

vannah took a seat, “you’re probably not going to like it.”

se.” She felt her heart aching.

hone, found the article, and read it aloud.

, coercion, attempted murder, and murder. House of Giordano is cooperating with the authorities and providing all information requested of them at this time. We will not be responding to any requests from the press at this time. We request respect for privacy regarding the matters at hand until th

Mackenna felt her sick to her stom

ro and Dulce standing on the front steps of their offices holding hands as a united front.”


itude of women, but I never thought he hated me so much he’d blackmail someone to kill my baby.” She swallowed the bitter knot in her throat and then held out her hand. “Can I see the photo please?”

nah gingerly held her phone out to her.

to enlarge the photo. “He looks tired.” She sighed, “and he’s definitely holding her hand.”

e is,” Savan

, that’s that.” She placed her palms on her desk and stood up. “At least I know.”


nah whispered. “I thought for sure he would choose you over the evil bitch.”

because I rejected him and left. I was nothing more than a conquest. I have no way to compare to her.”

thing of her kissing me.”

tray they are. What’s the adage? There’s no such thing as bad publicity?”

tightly. “I’ll got to get back down to the trauma unit but if

she said feeling strangely calm. “I knew it was coming so I just need to move forward with my life,

oing to run for a coffee. If anyone is looking for me, I’ll be back in fifteen.”

an entire week of paycheque she was reading the tabloid about her boss.

see Padma standing there. “Hey Padma. How are you?” She gave her a hug.

errick to meet my parents tonight.”

y should have led with his career instead of his ethnicity.”

’m so happy for you Padma.”

e club.”


now I know.”

the last three months; I can get through anything.” She gave her friend a grimace, “though I feel my counselling session on Monday morning is going to be very much needed.”

nother squeeze. “If you need anything, anything at all, you j


errick Portman. Instead, she was stuck in a hellish purgatory until she decided on her next steps.

ntrol over. As she was leaving the hospital, she decided to stop by the trauma unit.

heading home. Are you pulling a double toni

hands at the sink.

back for you,” she of

d. “We are not leaving you alone tonight.”

ld wear the new blue dress you bought.

u sure?” Savannah was absolutely torn.

night away from you two making out when you think I’m not looking.”

do not.”

. I’ll see you in the morning.

or Savannah and Nuncio. She then found Nuncio waiting by the security office. “I’m all set.”

r gaze with a concerned look.


no, not for me. You and Savannah are going out for dinner to act like an actual couple instead of my babysitters.” When he opened his mouth to protest, she shook her head. “No Nuncio, you’re going. You’ve been on c


nner is at eight, so you’d better hurry and get me home so you can come get her at seven and give her time to get changed.”


words. “Let’s go home.”

n the balcony he’d been her shadow when she was home. He followed her everywhere, purred when she touched him and slept on the foot of her bed. She leaned down and stroked him as he started in on his food and whispered, “I’ll slip you a piece of chicken when my takeout order comes.”

er command and then closed the door, “if you want to score brownie points with Savannah there’s a cabaret club she really likes. You’ll have fun there.”

“What is a ca

e admitted to ICU today, so she needs a good laugh. They’ll hold tickets for you if you call them.”

round. “This is um,” he swallowed at looked back to Mackenna. “You’ve been there with her?”

e. I don’t want to know how much you enjoyed it if you get my drift.”

e. Nobody. Understood?”

e fine. Go.” She pointed to the door. “My Chinese foo


a facing the huge television hanging on the wall Nuncio had insisted they needed. She popped her food on the glass coffee table they’d picked out and started digging through the bag with one

ervice Nuncio had set up on the television and started going through the movie titles. No romantic comedies, no romantic movies at all, she grimaced as she plucked a piece of beef from her beef and broccoli dish and fed it to Rom

hrough the movie and she wouldn’t shed one more tear over Alessandro Giordano.

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