The Lunas Second Chance Mate – Chapter 128


It’s hard to feel not included in the cure development, but I watch Ryan and Olivera get along for many consecutive weeks. At least I have that peaceful energy around, watching them work with the palace pack healers to help the rogues locked up in the facilities, still sick.

Thankfully there wasn’t an enormous outbreak and everything seems to have worked out. I can’t help the feeling of doom, though, thinking about every time things were perfect, something horrible happened. I thought once we defeated Jacob and sent away Jennifer, everything would have worked out forever.

I was wrong, but if none of that bad stuff happened, I wouldn’t be pregnant.

I fear these pups won’t be okay, the healer making a daily visit, sometimes twice a day, at least to check on my progress. I worry everyday he will say something bad has happened and they’re hurt, or worse. I would give my life for these two pups but I hope I don’t have to.

“Morning, sweetheart,” Olivera hums, barging into he bedroom. He eyes the suite, walking into it quickly before returning seconds later, wiping his hands dry. “I started a bath for you. Looks like lover boy is going to go out of the palace today to pick up some ingredients with his warriors.”

Skeptical, I furrow. “Why aren’t you going?”

“This isn’t my pack,” he says, shrugging. “I don’t know where the hell it is all at.”

I press into the side of the bed, sitting up, minding my overgrown stomach. I’ve gotten bigger in what feels like a short amount of time, and yet I am not far off from finally going into labor and knowing for certain my pups are okay.

“Easy, bowling ball,” he mutters.

I throw a pillow at him, grinning when I see it smack into his face. “Careful now. When I give birth, I’ll be able to shift afterwards and kick your a*s again.”

“Again? You have yet to come close to beating me, sweetheart.”

I roll my eyes, ready to stand, but feeling a small puncture of pain in my h*p. I try to ignore it, standing slow, but my legs wobble under my weight. Something in Olivera clicks, moving over to my side with his arm out, as though to help me to the bath, but I stand still, petrified. The pain pulses, ebbing through my body.

“I don’t—something isn’t—”

“Relax, I’ll go grab the healer,” he says, a hint of worry in his voice.

I cling to his arm tighter, too scared that if he moves, I’ll fall. Tears well in my eyes.

“Okay, I won’t go anywhere,” Olivera gasps.

I shiver, my free hand pressing into my belly, feeling movement so harsh in my womb that I may be sick. There’s a harsh kick or shift, making me cry out, my knees going weak but he holds me upright, one of his arms looping around my back to steady me.

“HEALER!” Olivera gasps, his voice ungodly.

The door bursts open, weeping tears already dribbling down my cheeks. “I’m scared.”

Our healer wastes no time, pulling me to his h*p, hearing the bathtub run water. “That thing full yet?” he asks.

Olivera mumbles, “Yeah… it should be…”

“Everyone relax, this could be a false start to labor, it’s going to be—” the healer stops, his hand pressing into the front of my abdomen, under the curve of my pregnant stomach. “Let’s hurry up, Luna. Olivera, please see if you can get the Alpha to return from his gathering duties.”

The rogue Alpha runs so fast out of the room, it’s obvious he didn’t want to lay witness to anything as I’m led into the bathroom, stripped down and helped into the warm bath water. I growl a noise from the deepest echo of my stomach, needing to scream but too scared it will make the pain spike harder.

“It hurts…” I snarl, an obvious statement to us both.

The healer nods, pressing into my neck and lower back, pushing around my spine, the agony dissipating with his powerful touch. “There we go, is that helping?”

I shake my head, “f**k the pain; how are my pups?”

He hesitates and I recognize it instantly.

“Something is wrong? What is wrong?”

“I can’t be sure but as of right now, you may be having early labor,” he breathes. The look of fear strikes me dead and he tries to reassure me more that it’s okay, still attempting to ease my pains as his hand presses into my belly, the pups shifting around with his every prod. “This is to help their position, Luna, if there is to be a birth, they will need to come out at a safe angle.”

I am purely mortified, “It’s too soon, though…”

“We may not have to worry about that,” the healer hums. “Dammit, where is the Alpha?”

I try to break into the mind link but I’m too far distracted by pain to unjumble the link. I shiver, sinking down into the water slightly, trying to warm up. “I can’t—can’t hear him—”

“I can’t either,” he adds, and that’s when I really begin to panic.

“No, Luna, please, calm down—your pulse—”

I feel my head go light, my vision blurring as I try to steady out my raging emotions. Everything hurts again, but not physically. I am debilitated in fear. I shrivel into a ball in the hot water, begging the moon goddess that no matter what, she spares my pups.

I just want my family to be okay, I want to live the life I had dreamed of living in my first life, but I am no longer Alisa Clark. I’m Alyson Alexander and I have to protect my mate, my pups, and their new rouge uncle, Olivera Inca.

Things were just starting to be perfect too. Now it’s only darkness and—

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