The Lunas Second Chance Mate – Chapter 130


“Damn this weather,” I mutter.

The storm has yet to let up and in fact, I believe it’s started pouring down harder, with more vigor, and still shows no signs of slowing for my benefit.

the link to her, she might just be asleep and everything is okay—that could be possible, right? I mean, if you think about—”

sh,” I beg.

trying to keep calm.”

ise my brow, trying to stay focused on my mate but I can’t seem to shake this infatuation Olivera has had for my mate. I should ignore it, as I have in the past weeks, but something about being stuck in this small ca

is weirdly possessive, sympathetic binding you think you have with my mate?”

ee the corner of his lip twitch,

r the sake of some rogue that kidnapped her from me.”

daring look and he only shrugs, over our qualms of the past.

her like I know her.”

u mean by that?”

here to wait for the storm to pass, I have to be subjected as an audience to this rogue and his pitiful attempt to relate to the love of my life.

t a difficult Luna to figure out.”

“Don’t call her that,” I

than to tear down that puerile dream but something stops me, maybe my wolf, and I allow him to meander on with his babbling.

ed the impending doom written all over her pretty, light eyes.”

you talking about?”

e. “She went through a lot, sure—”

cause she fought, she’s special because she came back and continued to fight!”

She had no choice b


n and hang him with it.

fter being in the whole world and told the moon goddess that she didn’t want to come back to this horrible world? What if she saw what her sister and that tasteless Alpha did to her and decided she was better off dead?”

of what would have happened if she truly did give up. If she decided her one attempt at life was over and that she didn’t see any need to return to this world. I wouldn’t have her now, I wouldn’t be expecting pups, I wouldn’t be the Alpha I am today

just like my mate,” Olivera breathes, speaking under his b

as mentioned her before,”

ight but if she could have, she would have. That’s who Beth was.”

to think of

? Then what do you do? You go after the ones who took her from you, who wouldn’t even let you see her when she was dying of that damn virus… I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE WITH HER!”


is bleeds with agony.

umbling under his own despair. “You have done right by your mate, don’t you think?”

d me and she couldn’t fight; she fought for so long, too. She fought to be with me, so much so that I was the one who decided we should be rogues, that we were better off without a pack, and when she got sick, I allowed her to leave our home and be taken—”

say, sure.

quick, staring me down intensely. “That’s why we have to get you to your mate. She needs you right now.”

other side of that raging, angry rapids.

ver,” I remind us.

han the storm to ride off away from this land.


ere until to my death.

see my mate, and as I jump outward and stretch toward the opposite of the creek, I can only see my mate.

as well.

ifts his shoulder, pressing my back paw into his back, lifting me

lpha, and no sign of him anywhere in the rushing creek.

your mate.

for the one wolf who never stopped fighting to be with me.

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